CLEVELAND – Father Ricky Manalo, CSP, will lead a workshop for music ministers at Our Lady of Victories Parish Saturday, April 23, from 9 a.m. – noon.

Father Manalo, a Paulist and accomplished composer, currently teaches at Santa Clara University. He resides in San Francisco, Calif.
In addition to music and liturgy, he has studied sociology and culture and offers classes in multi-cultural worship all over the world. He is also used to working in multi-cultural settings.
His compositions have been published by Oregon Catholic Press, and he recently composed music for Mass settings during Pope Francis’s visit to the U.S.
“I met Father Ricky Manalo last fall and was impressed by his talent and the breadth of experience,” said Father Kent Bowlds, pastor at Our Lady of Victories Parish. Father Kent said he has wanted to offer a music workshop for some time and meeting Father Manalo presented the perfect opportunity to do just that.
Some of Father Manalo’s best known hymns include: Beyond the Day, With One Voice, Worthy Is the Lamb, and Mass of Spirit and Grace. Father Manalo is also known for pioneering and popularizing Asian Catholic liturgical music in the United States with his hymns, Many and Great and By the Waking of Our Hearts. He is a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy, the Catholic Theological Society of America, the International Societas Liturgica, and the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (Board Member, 2008-12) and serves as an advisor to the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church and the Secretariat on Divine Worship.
“Ever since Vatican II a key phrase guiding all liturgical gatherings has been “full, conscious, and active participation” — meaning that our Catholic liturgy, especially the Mass, is not a program to be passively watched,” explained Father Bowlds. “In order for it to be true praise of God by God’s people, our liturgy requires everyone to play his/her part whether by giving full attention, speaking the responses with conviction, or singing to the best of one’s ability.”
“Concerning music, those in parish music ministry know that though their individual talents will sometimes be spotlighted, their primary task is to involve the entire congregation. I hope that this workshop will give choir directors, cantors, choir members, accompanists and anyone else who is interested, the tools they need to lead congregations effectively,” he added.
Organizers are asking for donations of $10 per person or $25 per parish. Register by phone at 662-846-6273 or by emailing