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- 09/09/24: From Servant of God to sainthood – an update on Sister Thea Bowman’s cause
- 09/09/24: Early Learning Centers: A year-round commitment to academic excellence
- 09/09/24: Youth
- 09/09/24: Strengthening unity: Parish leaders explore cultural competence in ministries
- 09/09/24: Half-century of faith: Father Joe Dyer continues to serve
- 09/09/24: Mississippi Catholic
- 09/09/24: Radiating the light of faith: Lessons from St. Gregory the Great
- 09/09/24: Dark memory
- 09/09/24: Adoration anchors one’s life in Jesus, pope says
- 09/09/24: Embracing hope: A jubilee journey
- 09/09/24: Missionary disciples prayer: St. Joan of Arc
- 09/09/24: Eucharistic procession on Mississippi Riverset to ‘go deeper’ for Christ
- 09/09/24: US bishops’ diocesan survey sets new baseline for Hispanic ministry in parishes nationwide
- 09/09/24: New study says Shroud of Turin bloodstains are ‘consistent with Jesus Christ’s tortures’
- 09/09/24: Raphael’s Men
- 09/09/24: Sister Nancy Schreck, OSF receives “Outstanding Leadership Award” from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious
- 09/09/24: Briefs
- 09/09/24: FEATURE PHOTO …Better Together …
- 09/09/24: Calendar of events
- 09/09/24: Called by Name
- 09/09/24: Pope prays Mary will protect persecuted Christians in Nicaragua
- 09/09/24: Carmelites find St. Teresa of Ávila’s body still incorrupt after opening coffin for study of relics
- 09/09/24: Faith and prayer sustained him, says Ukrainian Catholic priest captured, tortured by Russia
- 09/09/24: US bishops’ conference releases new resource on Hispanic/Latino communities, ministries
- 09/09/24: Fortaleciendo la unidad: Los líderes parroquiales exploran la competencia cultural en los ministerios
- 09/09/24: Encuesta diocesana de la USCCB revela cómo las parroquias en todo el país responden a la presencia hispana
- 09/09/24: Irradiando la luz de la fe: Lecciones de San Gregorio Magno
- 09/09/24: El Papa reza para que María proteja a los cristianosperseguidos en Nicaragua
- 09/09/24: Breves del mundo
- 09/09/24: Tome Nota
- 19/08/24: A funny thing happened during “The Purge”
- 19/08/24: Swing into action: Annual Bishop’s Cup set for Sept. 12
- 19/08/24: National congress sends forth Catholics to ignite new Pentecost as Eucharistic missionaries
- 19/08/24: Youth
- 19/08/24: The road less traveled
- 19/08/24: In times of trial know that nothings impossible for God, pope says
- 19/08/24: Happy Ordination Anniversary
- 19/08/24: Embracing the beginning of the ministry new year
- 19/08/24: Called by Name
- 19/08/24: American Olympic medalists in Paris known for leaning on faith
- 19/08/24: Doing battle with the Seven Deadly Sins
- 19/08/24: Welcome back to school: Embracing a year of “Faith, Hope and Love”
- 19/08/24: From humble beginnings to flourishing faith: The journey of Catholic prison ministry
- 19/08/24: Briefs
- 19/08/24: St. Francis of Assisi in New Albany continues celebration of 75 years
- 19/08/24: Diocese encourages estate planning during national “make-a-will” month
- 19/08/24: In memoriam: Msgr. James McGough
- 19/08/24: Embracing diversity: Dr. Ospino’s vision for a renewed American Catholicism
- 19/08/24: FEATURE PHOTO …We missed one in our last edition …
- 19/08/24: Calendar of events
- 19/08/24: Back to School 2024-2025
- 19/08/24: New review board chair: ‘We can’t be satisfied’ until there is zero abuse in church
- 19/08/24: Story of big monstrance used during the National Eucharistic Congress starts in LA
- 19/08/24: US bishops reflect on the Eucharistic congress: 5 days of ‘wonder, awe and adoration’
- 19/08/24: Congreso eucarístico pide a católicos ‘Caminar con alguien’, evangelizar a través del ‘compañerismo espiritual’
- 19/08/24: Abrazar la diversidad: La visión del Dr. Ospino para un catolicismo americano renovado
- 19/08/24: Dando la Bienvenida al Comienzo del Nuevo año Ministerial
- 19/08/24: En tiempos difíciles, recuerden que nada es imposiblepara Dios, dice el Papa
- 19/08/24: Breves del mundo
- 19/08/24: Tome Nota
- 17/07/24: ‘Jesus, I trust in you’: National Eucharistic Congress opens with a powerful holy hour
- 15/07/24: Pro-life advocates mark 2 years since Dobbs:‘We have a challenge on our hands’
- 15/07/24: Traversing the U.S., eucharistic pilgrimage plants seeds of mission on Gulf Coast
- 15/07/24: A bittersweet farewell: celebrating the legacy of Sacred Heart Parish
- 15/07/24: Around the Diocese
- 15/07/24: Living the Eucharist: a journey of faith, hope and love
- 15/07/24: Happy Ordination Anniversary
- 15/07/24: Reflections on the legacy of Catholic schools
- 15/07/24: Wedding bells muse
- 15/07/24: Praying when it seems useless
- 15/07/24: Pope: Heaven is for ‘everyone, everyone, everyone’
- 15/07/24: Vatican offers indulgence for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
- 15/07/24: Catholic, civic leaders call for peace, unity following Trump assassination attempt
- 15/07/24: Vatican condemns violence at Trump rally, offers prayers for victims, peace
- 15/07/24: Briefs
- 15/07/24: In memoriam: Father George R. Kitchin
- 15/07/24: Jubilees
- 15/07/24: US bishops discuss anti-poverty arm, pastoral frameworks, groundbreaking proposals at spring meeting
- 15/07/24: Calendar of events
- 15/07/24: Tome Nota
- 15/07/24: Noticias Breves
- 15/07/24: El Papa: El cielo es para ‘todos, todos, todos’
- 15/07/24: Vivir la Eucaristía: un camino de fe, esperanza y amor
- 15/07/24: Rescatan a migrantes torturados en el lado mexicano de la frontera, donde abundan los secuestros
- 15/07/24: Rosarios elaborados por una feligrés en Biloxi sirven como recuerdo de la Peregrinación Eucarística Nacional
- 15/07/24: ‘Jesús, en ti confío’: El Congreso Eucarístico Nacional da comienzo con una poderosa Hora Santa
- 15/07/24: Sacraments 2024
- 10/06/24: “Padre” Flannery celebrates 60 years of priesthood
- 10/06/24: Bishop Gerow’s journal describes JFK’s assassination
- 10/06/24: Youth
- 10/06/24: Holy Spirit inspires believers to embrace Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 10/06/24: Pope says synodality should be ‘permanent way of acting in the church’
- 10/06/24: Happy Ordination Anniversary
- 10/06/24: Celebrating Catechists!
- 10/06/24: Companions for the journey through ordinary time
- 10/06/24: “Put his head on my knees”
- 10/06/24: Being missionary is not forcing conversions, pope says
- 10/06/24: We are better and worse than we think
- 10/06/24: Called by Name
- 10/06/24: “Going home to God”: Father Noel Prendergast passes at age 90