BROOKSVILLE Dwelling Place Retreat Center, Associate Weekend, August 18-20. It will be a time to share our common vision and ministry, support one another in prayer, renew our commitments for another year, welcome new friends & plan for the future. Begins with supper at 6:30. Details: (662) 738-5348 or email dwellpl@gmail.com.
CULLMAN, Ala. Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, Introduction to Centering Prayer, September 1-3. This workshop/retreat is designed for those new to centering prayer and silence is required. Details: (256) 734-8302, retreats@shmon.org or www.shmon.org.
TUPELO St. James, Catholic Book Club, meets the second Wednesday of each month at noon in the library. The next meeting is September 13. The selection will be “The Complete Father Brown Mysteries” by G.K. Chesterton. Details: church office (662) 842-4881.
VICKSBURG St. Michael “You Can Understand the Bible,” Sundays at 9:45 a.m. The Bible Timeline is a Catholic Bible study that can help you make sense of the Bible. Facilitators: Karla and David McHan. Details: contact Karla at mchanfam@bellsouth.net or the church office, (601) 636-3445.
GRENADA St. Peter, Save the Date, Saturday, October 7, Adult Retreat. More details will be forthcoming. Details: church office (662) 226-2490.
CLEVELAND Our Lady of Victories, July Fellowship Luncheon at A La Carte on Court Street, Tuesday, July 25 at 11 a.m. Details: Ellen Duplantis, (662) 402-9722.
JACKSON St. Richard, Diocesan Church History Course: Level II, 9:30 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. on the following Tuesdays in August: 15, 22 and 29. Facilitator: Mary Louise Jones. The class will use The Catholic Church through the Ages by John Vidmar, OP. Details: church office (601) 366-2335.
MADISON St. Francis of Assisi, Discovering Christ 2017, begins Thursday, September 7, and lasts for seven weeks. An opportunity to deepen your faith and grow closer to your fellow parishioners. Free and includes a meal and live music. Complimentary child care is provided. Space is limited so register early. Details: (601) 856-5556, christlife@stfrancismadison.org or www.stfrancismadisonchristlife.org/register.html.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Knights of Columbus spaghetti dinner to benefit, family life center, Sunday August 20, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Eat in or take out. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.
– Natchez Convention Center, Mae and Friends’ 10th Annual Lemonade Stand, Friday, July 28 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Selling lemonade, cookies, pottery and t-shirts. All proceeds benefit the Natchez-Adams County Society of Mississippi Spray and Neuter “Natchez Fund”. Details: Basilica church office (601) 445-5616.
ROBINSONVILLE Save the Date, Tunica National Golf and Tennis, 1 Champions Lane, 11th Annual Coahoma Community College Morgan Freeman Scholarship Gold Tournament, Friday, October 27, Details: LaShasa Griffin, (662) 621-4146, lsgriffin@coahomacc.edu or https://www.ccc.cc.ms.us/golftournament/index.
TUPELO St. James, Benefit Concert for the Eschete Family, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Saturday, August 26, in Shelton Hall, 7-9 p.m. Social hour from 6-7 p.m. which will include hors d’ouevres and beverages. Eight or more classically trained musicians and vocalists will perform. Tickets are $20 for ages 12+; children under 12 are $5. Childcare available. All proceeds will go to the Eschete Family. Details: Keith Merritt at (662) 322-1427 kmerritt@hotmail.com or David Friloux at (662) 213-3742 david.friloux@yahoo.com.
MADISON St. Anthony School, Bruin Burn 5K race, benefitting St. Joseph School Booster Club. The course winds through Madison, ending at Saint Anthony Catholic School. Details: Christy Campbell christy@msracetiming.com, (601) 209-4619, https://www.stjoebruins.com/apps/news/article/724408
St. Anthony School, 3rd – 6th graders interested in playing football. Details: Sean Meredith or Scott Glorioso at athletics@stanthonyeagles.org.
TUPELO St. James, Homework, July 26-29. Open to youth going into grades 6-12. They will have games, service projects, guest speakers, and more. There is no cost. Details: Dori Stearns, (662) 842-4881 or st-james-cyo@comcast.net.
DUBUQUE, Iowa. Two Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM) who served in the Diocese of Jackson will celebrate diamond jubilees in the Mount Carmel Motherhouse Chapel in Dubuque, Iowa, on Sept. 10, with a liturgy of thanksgiving. They entered the BVM congregation on Sept. 8, 1947. They professed first vows on March 19, 1950, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1955.

Sister Mary Paul Francis Bailey
Sister Mary Paul Francis Bailey, BVM (Luellen) was born in Springfield, Ill. Sister taught at Immaculate Conception ES/HS in Clarksdale, Miss. Sister is retired and lives at Mount Carmel, Dubuque.

Sister Granville Jeanne
Sister Jean Granville, BVM (Suzette) was born in St. Louis. She was principal at Holy Ghost School in Jackson. Sister is retired and lives at Mount Carmel, Dubuque.
To send a congratulatory message to either sister on her jubilee or to donate to the BVM congregation on behalf of these sisters, please go to www.bvmcong.org/whatsnew_jubs.cfm.