The Leadership Conference for Women Religious has turned a touring exhibit, seen above, into a one-hour documentary called “Women and Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America.” The documentary is coming to Jackson St. Richard Parish in January. (Photos courtesy of www.womenandspirit.org)
As part of the celebration for the Year of the Consecrated Life, St. Dominic Hospital and Jackson St. Richard Parish are hosting a screening of the documentary, “Women and Spirit, Catholic Sisters in America,” as well as a discussion on Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015, at 1 p.m.
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) prepared an exhibit that traveled to several cities in the U.S. The documentary is an offshoot of the exhibit. The exhibit and film, according to press materials, narrates the virtually untold story of women who exercised leadership at a time when few women enjoyed such possibilities. Theirs is a story of quiet courage during many dramatic moments in the history of America.
The one-hour film documents the work these women did in healthcare, education, social justice, civil rights, research and many other fields as well as profiling modern women religious with an eye to the future.

Sisters were able to advocate at events such as the March on Washington. The documentary tells the story of how Catholic religious women in America took on leadership roles and how they impacted the history of the nation through their work in healthcare, education, social justice and many other areas.
“To understand what the women religious have done for our state of Mississippi and their faithful engagement in ministry the past 150 years, is an overwhelming gift to us as well as all of America,” said Sister Therese Jacobs, BVM, the event organizer. After the screening, Sister Helen Garvey, BVM, the chairperson of the LCWR Committee which prepared the traveling exhibit, will speak. “Sister Helen is informed, articulate, delightful and has a great sense of humor,” said Sister Jacobs.
In the morning, before the public viewing, sisters from across the diocese will enjoy a reception and luncheon in their honor. To learn more about the exhibit and film, visit www.womenandspirit.org.
The planning committee is also hoping to make DVDs of the documentary available after the event. For information, contact Sister Jacobs, 601-366-2335.