OXFORD – The Knights of Columbus Council 10901 set aside the weekend of February 7-8 to clean and check the operation of their catfish fryers and cookers in anticipation of the first Lenten fish fry of 2015 to be held on Friday, Feb. 20, at 6 p.m. The traditional Lenten fish fry is held every Friday night during Lent at St. John the Evangelist Parish.

Grand Knight Burke Nichols (left) and Knights of Columbus member Ricky Berry scour the well-used fish fryers in anticipation of the first Lenten fish fry at St. John the Evangelist Parish on Friday, Feb. 20. (Photo and text submitted by Gene Buglewicz.)
“The Knights catfish meals have been a Lenten tradition in Oxford for years. It’s the best deal in Oxford on Friday nights,” said Grand Knight Burke Nichols. Cost is $8 per plate for a generous helping of Mississippi catfish filets, hushpuppies, cole slaw, drinks and dessert.
Proceeds from the events support St. John the Evangelist charitable activities in the Oxford-Lafayette County area as well as University of Mississippi student programs.
The Feb. 20 event will also feature a United Blood Services bloodmobile from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
(Editor’s Note – Mississippi Catholic welcomes photos and stories about your parish’s Lenten revivals, fish fries or other activities. Send material to editor@mississippicatholic.com.)