Bishop Joseph Kopacz celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary of Christ the King Parish.
By Laura Grisham
SOUTHAVEN – On Saturday, Nov. 26, the feast of Christ the King, the parish of the same name celebrated its 50th anniversary. Christ the King is one of several parishes in the northern part of the Diocese of Jackson served by the Priests of the Sacred Heart as part of Sacred Heart Southern Missions.
Bishop Joseph Kopacz celebrated a Mass along with Father Ed Kilianski, CSJ, provincial superior for the U.S. province for the Priests of the Sacred Heart and many of the Sacred Heart priests who have served the parish.
After Mass, parishioners enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal featuring their own dishes as well as 21 turkeys prepared by Father Thi Pham, SCJ, moderator of the community.
Christ the King was established March 13, 1966, as a mission of Sacred Heart Church. Seventeen Catholics from Horn Lake and Southaven gathered with Father Michael Maloney to celebrate a Mass at Dealers Auto Sales, a car auction barn. Each weekend, parishioners moved the cars out of the barn before Mass.
Construction on the first parish church started in 1969. The first Mass was celebrated in July and the church was dedicated in October. The parish has only grown since then. The parish started on the current structure in 2002. Christ the King is the largest parish in the diocese, according to the 2016 Status Animarum, an annual census of the diocese. The pastoral team includes Fathers Pham, Zbgniew Morawiec and Greg Schill, all SCJ.
(This story was reprinted with permission from the newsletter for Sacred Heart Southern Missions, From the Heart.)

A young member of Christ the King looks at the history display at Christ the King’s anniversary celebration.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz posed with Hispanic dancers after he celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary of Christ the King Parish.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary of Christ the King Parish.

SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King members gathered for a feast after the Mass.

SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King members gathered for a feast after the Mass.