A blessed season for Ole Miss baseball

By Staff Reports
OXFORD – Holy water hit Swayze field the first Friday of February when Father Mark Shoffner blessed the field for the upcoming season.

Head Coach Mike Bianco invited his pastor Father Shoffner of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Oxford to pray for the upcoming season.

“Blessings can be bestowed upon people and all manner of objects,” said Alexandra Barfield, campus minister for St. John the Evangelist.

Last year, after a difficult run, Father Shoffner blessed the field, and the Rebels had a winning home tournament.

“Blessings aren’t magical,” said Barfield, “but a petition to God for the good things that He gives.”

The video of the blessing has been viewed 50,000 times, reaching over 33,000 people.
The introduction to the blessing reads, “God has given us our physical powers in order that we may serve him joyously, help one another, and, by discipline in accord with the law of God, make our body fit for every good work.

“God therefore approves of sport for the relaxation of the mind and the exercise of the body. Care of our bodies fosters mental well-being, and we more readily establish friendly and affable relations with other people,” it continues.

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About: Catholic Campus Ministry is at the service of the students at the University of Mississippi. CCM is a Registered Student Organization associated with St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Oxford, Mississippi. Alexandra Barfield serves the students as campus minister under the direction of St. John’s priest and pastor Father Mark Shoffner.