Hands-on learning

JACKSON – St. Richard School CASA Stem students learn about batteries and circuits through fun, hands-on experiments. Pictured left to right: Zoe Thomas, Oliver Skipper, Reeves Buckley, Andrew Compretta, Jason Ball (instructor), Ben Compretta, Drew Simmons and Andrew Ueltschey.
Next: St. Richard School closed out its school-wide unit on the Mississippi Blues with a performance by The Al Miller Band with singing, dancing and some original “blues” poetry by students. (Photos by Tammy Conrad)
St. Michael Youth at DCYC

FOREST – St. Michael parish youth were excited about attending DCYC this year. (Photos by Liz Edmondson)
Read Across America

SOUTHAVEN – Scarlett, Maddie, Sadie, Luis, Kannon, Haziel, Jayce, Cash, Zahrah, and Jonas were all smiles when they saw the cat come into view. Pre-K and Kindergarteners celebrated Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ birthday with a visit from the “Cat” himself. (Photo by Sister Margaret Sue Broker)
STREAM at Annunciation

COLUMBUS – Annunciation fifth grade students cook with Mrs. Cancellare in S.T.R.E.A.M. Class. Pictured: Above, Preston Dimino scoops batter into baking cups. On right, Annabelle Brislin puts the final touches on her strawberry bruschetta. (Photos by Logan Waggoner)
Meridian youth attend DCYC

VICKSBURG – The Catholic Community of Meridian sent eight high school students to DCYC in Vicksburg the first weekend in March.The Holy Spirit moved in and around the youth through all activities at the annual youth conference. (Photos by Angela Dove)