COLUMBUS – Annunciation fourth and fifth graders sing carols at Trinity Nursing Home.Third graders lead Mass. (Photos by Logan Waggoner)
JACKSON – St. Richard students perform for parents and loved ones for their annnual Advent program on Friday, Dec. 16, orchestrated by teacher, Andrew Dillon. (Photo by Tereza Ma)
Serving Our Lady
PEARL –St Jude parish held their first Guadalupe procession on Saturday, Dec. 10. Altar servers, Thomas, Dori Pazcak and Olinsar Villafranca are pictured. (Photo by Tereza Ma)
Principal serves with a smile
VICKSBURG – St. Aloysius Assistant Principal, Jon Graham, helped serve lunch with a smile to students and staff. Vicksburg Catholic School students, faculty and staff: “lead with humility, serve with love, strive for excellence and prepare for distinction.” (Photo by Lindsey Bradley)
HOLLY SPRINGS – Cazateatro Theatrical Group helped celebrate Hispanic Heritage month at Holy Family School. Brother Diego Diaz enjoyed every second of the production. (Photo by Tunia Sangster)
JACKSON – St. Richard School sixth grade girls (white) play a game on their home court against Jackson Prep (blue). (Photo by Tereza Ma)