JACKSON – St. Richard Catholic School

JACKSON – St. Richard School’s community service project, Manhattan Mall, runs in November and December when sixth graders collect gift items and wrapping supplies to host a shopping event for the residents at Manhattan Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Jackson. (Left photo by Tammy Conrad and right/bottom photos by Cathy Tebo)
SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart Catholic School

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School celebrated Thanksgiving blessings with a family dinner before Thanksgiving break. (Photos by Sister Margaret Sue Broker)
GREENVILLE – St. Joseph Catholic School

COLUMBUS – Annunciation Catholic School

COLUMBUS – Families gathered for a Thanksgiving feast at Annunciation Catholic School. (Photo by Logan Waggoner)
MERIDIAN – Catholic Community

MERIDIAN – Father Augustine Palimattam Poulose and Father Justin Joseph try to warm up in between building beds for children in need on Nov. 12. A group of youth and parishioners worked to build 10 beds for an organization called Sleep In Heavely Peace. (Photos courtesy of Catholic Community of Meridian)
CLARKSDALE – St. Elizabeth

CLARKSDALE – On Sunday, Nov. 20, St. Elizabeth parish held a triple celebration – the 110th aniversary of the church and the feasts of St. Elizabeth of Hungary and Christ the King. On left, Elizabeth Blaine Cauthen, Brooks Cauthen and Father Raju Macherla read a beautiful prayer at the end of Mass.
(Below) Luke Agostnelli, Steele Britt, Father Raju, William Walker and Isabel Walker participate in Adoration before Mass. (Photos by Tereza Ma)