Parish: Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle, Jackson
Spouse: Honghuong Nguyen
Hometown: Saigon, Vietnam
Favorite Scripture passage: The Parable of the Lost Son because God created humans in his image and he also gave them reason and freedom to live according to his will. Freedom is a priceless gift that God has given so that human they are free to be faithful to God or to betray him. God always respects human freedom. It was because humans had the right to freedom that he sinned against God. But God is rich in mercy and he still loves people when they are still in sin. God patiently waits, invites and creates all conditions for them to return to live in his grace.

Favorite saint: St. Anthony – Because of his charity, he always helps the poor and especially helps those who have lost things to find what they have lost.
Favorite religious image: My favorite is the Crucifix because when I look at it, I see how dialogue with God is vertical. I share all my faiths, failing and successes with God. Jesus stretched out his arms on the crossbar just as he looks at me to bring the Good News to everyone through my daily lives and my loving sacrifices. The horizontal communion shows that I love Jesus Christ by making sacrifices for others as Jesus has sacrificed for me.
Favorite liturgy: My favorite liturgy of the year is Holy Thursday (the Last Supper of Jesus Christ).
In the evening liturgy of Holy Thursday, the church celebrates the Eucharist instituted by Jesus after the last supper with the Apostles in the Upper Room, in remembrance for all eternity to his real presence among us. This is the last Mass to be celebrated before the Easter Vigil of Holy Saturday. After Mass this evening, the altar cloths are stripped off, the candlesticks and crosses are removed, flowers are no longer displayed to announce the date of the church’s great funeral and also imply that the church celebrates no more until the day of the resurrection of Christ.
Did you come across something you learned in your formation that you did not expect?
Serving without forgetting myself, no matter how great would be in vain.
What are you most looking forward to doing?
Visiting the sick, helping the poor and bringing man back to human dignity.
Deacon’s wives questions:
Name: Honghuong T Nguyen
What did you think when your husband first began to consider ordination?
I am glad that my husband has begun to enter the path of serving God’s people through the church.
How has the preparation deepened your spirituality?
Pray rosary every day and night before bed. I always recording what did I do in the day to see that what did do good and bad. I ask God forgive me what I did bad and continue to do good next day.
Favorite Scripture passage: My favorite Scripture is Matthew 11,29 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart” because I would like remind myself to control my ego.
Favorite saint: My favorite saint is St. Therese of the Child Jesus because she showed me the easy way to holiness through the little things that I do every day.
Favorite religious image: My favorite religious image is Heart of Jesus + Immaculate Heart of Mary because the hearts of God and Mother represent his love for us.
Favorite liturgy: My favorite liturgy of the year is Easter Mass because I know that if I live ̣by God’s will then when I die I will be resurrected with him.