Will Vollor – St. Patrick School, Meridian
This year, like every year of his career, Will Vollor says he looks forward to serving others. This year he will get to serve and support the teachers, staff, parents and students at St Patrick School in Meridian. Vollor was named principal of St. Patrick last spring and has hit the ground running as he prepared for this school year. Vollor received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Mississippi, and master’s degree from Mississippi College. Before becoming principal of St Patrick, he taught and coached at St Aloysius High School in Vicksburg, and Lamar School, Enterprise-Clarke High School, and Northeast Lauderdale High School in the Meridian area.

When asked what made him decide to go into education he said, “Several members of my family were educators, so I had a great deal of admiration for the profession. Most influential to me as an educator was Valera Meachum Vollor. Besides being my grandmother and hero, she was a teacher herself at St. Francis Xavier Elementary School in Vicksburg for twenty-two years.”
Vollor is married to Leslie Horn Vollor, and they have two daughters, Anne Larkin and Lauren. They are active members of St. Patrick Catholic Church, where they have taught both parish school of religion and children’s church in the 10 years that they have resided in Meridian.
Jessica Carter – Cathedral School, Natchez
In April, Jessica Carter was named the next lead administrator of Cathedral School in Natchez. This year marks somewhat of a homecoming for Carter as she has previously served as a teacher and the middle school coordinator at Cathedral. She comes to her new position with fourteen years of experience in education, including four years as the assistant principal at Vidalia High School in Vidalia, Louisiana. Carter received her bachelor’s degree from Louisiana State University and master’s degrees from Louisiana State University and the University of Louisiana at Monroe.
Carter is married to her husband Mark, who is an alumnus of Cathedral School. They have two children, Macy, who is in fourth grade, and Maddie Paige, who is one year old. They are active members of St. Mary Basilica parish.

When she accepted this new position, Carter said, “I am excited to serve as the next lead administrator of Cathedral Catholic School. I am deeply honored to be entrusted with the leadership of our great school and want to thank Father Scott Thomas and the principal search committee for bestowing upon me this great responsibility. As a member of St. Mary Basilica and past employee of Cathedral, I want the tradition of a rich Catholic education to continue in our community. I want to lead the school to continued success and build on the positive impact it has had for students, parents, alumni, stakeholders and the community since 1847.”