By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – On Thursday, Sept. 16, the 39th annual Bishop’s Cup Golf Tournament will take place at Lake Caroline Golf Club. All are invited to sign up for a great day of golf or even just join Bishop Joseph Kopacz and the Catholic Foundation for dinner and a live auction at The Mermaid Café.
“Last year we had to cancel our dinner at the Mermaid Café. We had to put strict COVID protocols in place so we could have the tournament. We are really excited about the tournament this year. Golfers will be able to socialize before the tournament and we are looking forward to gathering at the Mermaid Café afterwards. We hope some of our non-golfing friends will be able to join us as well,” said Rebecca Harris, Executive Director of the Catholic Foundation.
Each year the Catholic Foundation supports grant projects around the diocese. Parishes, schools and Catholic ministries submit grants proposals each year. The Catholic Foundation has funded projects like parish renovations, STEM labs, Catholic Charities domestic violence program and pro-life billboards just to name a few. This year proceeds from the tournament will go to the Bishop Joseph N. Latino Memorial Trust. This trust will support future grant projects around the diocese.
Steve Carmody has chaired this event for the past 29 years. “The tournament continues to grow each year, and we are always excited to see our golfers return. We would like to thank all past sponsors who have helped to make the tournament a success. We hope that you will join Bishop Kopacz and the other participants again this year,” said Carmody.
Tee time will be at 1 p.m. for the event with lunch served at 12 p.m. The cost per player is $200 and priests play for free. Each golfer receives lunch, 18 holes of golf with a cart, snacks and beverages on the course, a large golf towel and dinner with two free drink tickets at The Mermaid Café. Also, with the event the Catholic Foundation offers a hole in one prize of $10,000.
Even if someone isn’t a golf player, fun can be had after the tournament at The Mermaid Café at 6 p.m. Dinner tickets are $40 per person and there will be a silent and live auction.
For more information on the golf tournament or to sponsor the event, visit If you would like to donate an item to the auctions or volunteer, contact Julia Williams at 601-960-8481.