What is the seminary like? The reality might surprise you. If you are like I was growing up, you may think that a house of priestly formation resembles a silent monastery, filled with monk-like figures trying to discern God’s call in isolation. Well, that’s not the reality. The reality is that while a diocesan seminary certainly is a house of prayer, it’s also a house full of activity, excitement and men who bring different gifts to the table and are seeking to use them to glorify the Lord.
My favorite thing about seminary was the fraternity. Yes, there was class. Yes, there was prayer. But there were also apostolic opportunities, social events, community events, community fundraisers and other “regular stuff” that helped us to build a brotherhood. And that brotherhood becomes so strong because it is rooted in a love of Jesus Christ. We were all a bunch of normal guys who were considering whether to do what the world has come to see as abnormal, to live a life for God alone. And we loved it. And we supported one another and challenged one another and now we still support and challenge one another.
This summer myself and several of my classmates made a five-day retreat together at a house of Benedictine nuns in Northern Missouri. It reminded me of the great bond that we still have, a bond for which I am so grateful. Have you ever wanted to see what a seminary is like? The Office of Vocations offers trips throughout the year, including visits to seminaries. If you are interested please contact me at vocations@jacksondiocese.org. You can also visit www.jacksonpriests.com/come-and-see to check out the trips we have coming up this fall and winter.
– Father Nick Adam

Vocations Events
Friday, Nov. 8-11 – Saint Joseph Seminary College offers a retreat for high school men (juniors and seniors) who are interested in learning more about seminary life. The retreat lasts from Friday evening through Sunday lunch and gives discerners a chance to get a feel for the seminary routine and meet seminarians and professors.
Contact the Office of Vocations if interested in attending any of these events.