On Oct. 24, I invited leaders from around the diocese to St. Richard Parish to help me launch a Serra Club. Named in honor of the recently canonized St. Junipero Serra, who brought the Catholic faith to mission territories throughout the Southwest, Serrans are supporting vocations across the country through prayer, time, talent and in many other ways.
I have been positively impacted by the ministry of Serrans and I believe that a Serra Club could immediately help the Vocations Office accomplish two tasks:
1) To provide a base of lay support for vocation promotion initiatives (such as helping with discernment retreats, diocesan events, etc.) and
2) To provide a base of pray-ers, dedicated to praying for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

I hope to develop even more ways to use the Serrans to spark vocations and support our mission. A representative from the Archdiocese of New Orleans traveled to Jackson to run the meeting since this will be the first Serra Club established in the State of Mississippi. If you are interested in becoming a Serran, please contact the Office of Vocations and for more information on what Serrans do, visit www.serraus.org. Father Nick Adam
Vocations Events
Friday, Nov. 8-10, – “Come and See” Weekend, This is a helpful discernment retreat for young men considering a call to the priesthood. They get to see a seminary in a low-pressure environment with dozens of other men considering their own future. St. Joseph Seminary College, Covington, Louisiana