By Gene Buglewicz
OXFORD – Knights of Columbus Council 10901, based out of St. John the Evangelist Parish, participated in the international devotional and pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of North America in late September. James Reid, trustee for the council, coordinated with other councils as well as the devotional which begins with recitation of the rosary and includes displaying a silver rose.

CLINTON – Larry Moeller, from Council 10216, Flowood, receives the traveling case that carries the silver rose carried by Gene Buglewicz, Council 10901, Oxford. Council 10216 was having their devotional honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe later that afternoon. After Council 10216’s devotional, a representative will again carry the silver rose to yet another Council for their devotional, and so on until the silver rose reaches the end of it’s journey at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Monterrey Mexico in early December. (Photo by Gene Buglewicz)
At the conclusion of the program, the silver rose was packed in its special transport box, and staying within the custom of the rose not remaining in one location for more than 24 hours, was given to council member Gene Buglewicz who was traveling to Clinton the next morning. There the silver rose was passed to Larry Moeller of Council 10216 who was taking the rose to it’s next devotional location.
Interestingly, Larry Moeller and Gene Buglewicz were friends and neighbors from Vicksburg and had not seen each other for at least 10 years. Both had been members of Knights of Columbus Council 898 in Vicksburg. Both Larry and his wife had moved to Flowood and Gene and his wife had moved to Water Valley, so they had not seen each other for some time. After catching up on family and friends, Larry departed the parking lot to deliver the silver rose to his council and Gene and his wife departed for Water Valley.
As the silver roses pass from council to council on their journey throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico, this scene is repeated over and over again as old friends from different councils and bound by the Knights of Columbus and brotherhood, sometimes from different countries, meet to pass on a representation of our common faith and adoration of Our Lady of Guadalupe to commemorate the miracle of the silver rose.
Council 10901 is proud to play a part in the this international devotional to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
(Gene Buglewicz is a member of Oxford St. John Parish.)