Sister Thea students promote the vote

JACKSON – Sister Thea Bowman students cast their votes during a Promote the Vote event. The students had voter registration ID cards, the student council representatives were the poll workers. The students had to sign-in after their names were checked and after voting, they were given “I voted today” stickers. District 3 Hinds County Election Commissioner Zakiya Summers spoke to the students about why it is important to vote. She gave the students a quiz about the history of voting which included the various amendments related to voting rights. (Photo by Shae Robinson)
Master gardeners plant science seeds at Sister Thea
JACKSON – Master Gardeners John Malanchak and Valerie Anderson teach Sister Thea Pre-K students a science lesson on plants. Malanchak provided two plant boxes: one for the students to plant violets and pansies and the other to plant their vegetables: kale, spinach, onions and radishes. (Photos by Shae Robinson)