Campus Ministry offers college retreat

MORTON – Two dozen college students from three different colleges across the diocese spent the weekend of Feb. 24-25 at Roosevelt State Park participating in spiritual renewal thanks to the College Campus Ministry spring retreat. Students came from Mississippi State, the University of Mississippi and East Central Community College in Neshoba County.
The retreat theme was Heart Speaks Unto Heart. Father Jason Johnston, associate pastor of Madison St. Francis of Assisi Parish and teacher at Madison St. Joseph High School was the retreat leader. He and Father Rusty Vincent, coordinator for College Campus Ministry for the diocese, planned the weekend. It included Mass and small group faith sharing.

(Dawn McGinley woirks in College Campus Ministry in Starkville.)

MORTON – Father Jason Johnston leads the spring retreat for college students Feb. 24-25, at Roosevelt State Park. Students from three Mississippi colleges attended. (Photos by Gina Mowdy)

The altar is set for Mass at the retreat. The theme was Heart Speaks unto Heart.