Calendar of Events

GREENWOOD Locus Benedictus retreat center presents a silent retreat: “Mary in the Mystery of Christ and the Church,” on Saturday, February 11, 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. The presenter is Brother Daniel Korn, C.Ss.R., noted Redemptorist author. Cost is $35 which includes lunch. Details: contact Magdalene Abraham at (662) 299-1232.
MERIDIAN St. Patrick, Pathways of Prayer Retreat, Saturday, February 11, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm. Enrich your prayer life by exploring different approaches to growing closer to God. Registration fee of $20 includes breakfast, lunch and all materials for the day. Space is limited; bring registration fee to the church office by February 1. Details: Mary Billups, (601) 693-1321.

AMORY St. Helen, Book Discussion Group on “Small Great Things” by Jody Picoult on Monday, February 13, noon in the parish hall. Everyone is invited to read the book and plan to join in the discussion. Details: call the parish office at (662) 256-8392.
GREENVILLE St. Joseph Parish, St. Monica’s Prison Ministry visits the Washington Co. Correctional Facility on the second Monday of each month to share our Catholic faith. Next visit is February 7. Details: contact Sandra Cirilli or Frank Dantone at the church office, (662) 335-5251.
– St. Joseph “Sharing Christ,” Tuesdays in the parish hall, 6:30 – 8 pm, February 21 – April 4. It is a seven week journey focusing on personal evangelization and sharing our relationship with Jesus in our daily life. Registration forms in back of church. Details: call the parish office, (662) 335-5251.
GREENWOOD Mardi Gras Celebration to benefit St. Francis School, Saturday, February 18, 7 p.m. – midnight, Leflore County Civic Center. Adults only. Featuring: Steve Azar and the Sensation Dance Band of Memphis. Tickets: $35. Includes, buffet, party favors, set-ups. Bar available. Details: (662) 453-0623 or
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, weight loss support group. Come join us each week as we support each other on our weight loss journey. Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am for weigh-in and sharing. Details: Liz Brown, (901) 331-3419.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Young at Heart Senior Social, Saturday, February 18, for parishioners and friends aged 65+. Volunteers (youth and adults) and door prizes needed. Bingo, food and great prizes. Details: Charlene Rushing, (601) 431-9127.
– Grief and loss support group, second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m.. Next meeting February 13. Compassion Care Hospice Office, Suite A, 113 Jefferson David Blvd. Open to the public. Details: (601)442-6800.
MADISON St. Francis of Assisi, Hospice Ministries Winter Volunteer Training Program, Feb. 3 – Feb. 5. Details: call (601)898-1053, ext. 258.
TUPELO St. James, Knights of Columbus Super Bowl Potluck Party, Sunday, February 5, 4 p.m. in Shelton Hall. Big-screen TV and everyone is invited. Details: Keith Merritt, (662) 322-1427.
VICKSBURG St. Paul, Meals on Wheels chairperson needed. St. Paul sincerely thanks Camille Atwood for her service of 22 years. Meals on Wheels meets the first Saturday of the month and feeds approximately 30 people. Details: (601) 636-0140

Greenville, St. Joseph School, Mardi Gras Fling, Saturday, February 25, at the Washington Co. Convention Center, 6:00 pm to midnight. Must be 21 or older. Cost: $100, admits two for dinner, music from the sounds of Yazoo Gold, “get-down” dancing and drinks, as well as a chance to win $10,000 worth of prizes in the annual draw-down. Details: Tickets on sale in both school offices, the church office or from any school advisory council member. To donate a tax-deductible door prize, contact Missi Blackstock at (662) 378-9711
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, “Souper” Bowl of Caring, youth will be collecting after all masses on the weekend of February 4-5. Goal is to raise $800.00.

TUPELO, Parkgate Pregnancy Banquet, Tuesday, February 21. Any student age 15 or older is invited to volunteer. You will need to be at the Orchard by 5 p.m. and dinner is provided. Details: call or text Jessica Vaughn (662) 871-5033.

HOLLY SPRINGS The Sisters of the Living Word, the Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Association CAVA), and Sacred Heart Southern Missions (SHSM)
are jointly hosting “Hands-ON + Hearts-IN: A discernment experience for women at their residence in Holly Springs. Young women will be accompanied by vocation ministers for the Monday through Friday experience, providing a hands-on opportunity to assist those in need while discerning life as a sister. Attendees will reside with sisters from various communities. Service projects include: tutoring children, assisting at a food pantry,cleaning homes for the elderly, repairing damaged homes, serving meals at a soup kitchen. The only cost to attend is the travel to the residence. Available dates: February 6-10 or 20-24; May 15-19 or 22-26; August 29 – Sept. 1; September 18-22
Applicants need to book a spot one month prior to the start of a week-long event. Details: Sister Sharon Glumb, SLW; 847-577-5972 ext. 233 (office); 601-291-6738 (cell).
MOBILE, Ala., Little Sisters of the Poor presents “Listening with Our Lady” retreat Friday, March 24, at 6 p.m.- Sunday, March 26 at 1 p.m., at Sacred Heart Residence of the Little Sisters in Mobile. This retreat is for single Catholic women aged 17-35 who may wish to discern a call to religious life. The weekend includes Mass, talks, question and answer sessions, service opportunities and adoration. Meals provided. Register by March 21. Details: or (251) 591-3700.