COLUMBUS – Students at Annuncation School presented a Christmas Extravaganza on Tuesday, Dec. 20. At far right, pre-kindergarten students become the barnyard animals for the show.
(Photos courtesy of Katie Fenstermacher)

MADISON – To celebrate the Advent Season, St. Anthony students performed their Christmas program for parents, staff, and friends on Monday, Dec. 19. Above, John Charles Camarato, Benedict Jones, and Mamie Heitzmann gaze over baby Jesus. (Photo courtesy of Teresa McMullin.)

SOUTHAVEN – Norah Johnson, seventh grade student, waits for her winning word – phrenologists – in the Sacred Heart School Spelling Bee. She will represent our school in the Mid-South Spelling Bee in Memphis. (Photo by Sr. Margaret Sue Broker)

NATCHEZ – Cathedral School elementary students had a visit from St. Nicholas on his feast day of Dec. 6. Above, surprised first grader Aven Adcock collects treats from her shoe in the hallway. (Photo courtesy of Cara Serio)

COLUMBUS – Students at Annuncation School presented a Christmas Extravaganza on Tuesday, Dec. 20.
Fifth-grader Elijah Clarke helps act out the Nativity story.
(Photos courtesy of Katie Fenstermacher)

COLUMBUS – Students at Annuncation School presented a Christmas Extravaganza on Tuesday, Dec. 20.
(Photos courtesy of Katie Fenstermacher)