Bishop Joseph Kopacz, left, blesses the new entryway into Greenville St. Joseph and Our Lady of Lourdes school, assisted by Catherine Cook, superintendent of Catholic Schools, and Father Bill Henry, pastor in Greenville.

Before each room was blessed, the entire school community gathered for a Mass in the gym. Capital Campaign Chairman Britt Virden told the crowd that the new structure represented a $10 million investment in the community. The schools have been on separate campuses since 1964. St. Joseph High School has been on the VFW Road campus for more than 10 years. (Photos by Missi Blackstock)

GREENVILLE – Bishop Joseph Kopacz, center, blessed the first graders and their classroom as part of blessing the new facility at St. Joseph School on Thursday, Oct. 27. The blessing was the final chapter in a years-long effort to get St. Joseph High and Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary schools on the same campus. Elementary students use 11 classrooms, nine more are for middle and high school students. The facility also has two science labs, a computer and business lab, resource, art and music rooms, a media/library center, chapel and gymnasium.