Pope prays for collaboration: ‘Priests are not the bosses of the laity, but their pastors’

By Justin McLellan
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Every Christian, whether a layperson or member of the clergy, has a vital role to play in advancing the mission of the church through collaboration, Pope Francis said.

“We priests are not the bosses of the laity, but their pastors,” he said in a video message for his October prayer intention: “For a shared mission.”

Christians are called to follow Jesus not with “some people above others or some to one side and the rest to another side, but by complementing each other,” the pope said in the message released by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network Sept. 30. “We are community. That is why we must walk together on the path of synodality.”

The network posts a short video of the pope offering his specific prayer intention each month, and members of the network pray for that intention each day.

Pope Francis discusses his October prayer intention, “For a shared mission,” in a video message released by the Vatican Sept. 30, 2024. (CNS screengrab/Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network)

In addition to coinciding with the month that includes World Mission Sunday, the pope’s message was delivered as 368 members of the Synod of Bishops began a two-day retreat ahead of the second session of the synod in Rome. The synod, focusing on synodality, gathers bishops and other experts from around the world to discuss how to create a more listening church.
Pope Francis suggested that a bus driver, a farmer or a fisher might wonder what role he or she can play in the church’s mission of evangelization. But “what all of us need to do is to give witness with our lives. Be co-responsible in mission,” he urged.

“The laity, the baptized in the church, are in their own home, and they must take care of it. So do we priests and consecrated people,” the pope said. “Everyone contributes what they know how to do best.”
“We are co-responsible in mission, we participate and we live in the communion of the church,” he said, asking for prayers so that the church may “continue to sustain a synodal lifestyle in every way, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, communion and mission shared by priests, religious and laity.”

El Papa reza por la colaboración: ‘Los sacerdotes no somos los jefes de los laicos’

By Justin McLellan
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Cada cristiano, ya sea laico o miembro del clero, tiene un papel vital que desempeñar en el avance de la misión de la Iglesia a través de la colaboración, dijo el Papa Francisco.
“Los sacerdotes no somos los jefes de los laicos, sino sus pastores”, dijo el Papa en un videomensaje para su intención de oración de octubre: “Por una misión compartida”.

Los cristianos están llamados a seguir a Jesús no con “unos por encima de los otros, ni a unos por un lado y a otros por el otro, sino complementándonos”, dijo el Papa en el mensaje publicado por la Red Mundial de Oración del Papa el 30 de septiembre. “Por eso debemos caminar juntos recorriendo el camino de la sinodalidad”.

El Papa Francisco comenta su intención de oración de octubre, “Por una misión compartida”, en un videomensaje difundido por el Vaticano el 30 de septiembre de 2024. (CNS screengrab/Red Mundial de Oración del Papa)

La red publica un breve vídeo del Papa en el que ofrece su intención de oración específica cada mes, y los miembros de la red rezan por esa intención cada día.
Además de coincidir con el mes que incluye la Jornada Mundial de las Misiones, el mensaje del Papa se pronunció cuando 368 miembros del Sínodo de los Obispos iniciaban un retiro de dos días previo a la segunda sesión del sínodo en Roma. El Sínodo, centrado en la sinodalidad, reúne a obispos y otros expertos de todo el mundo para debatir cómo crear una Iglesia más atenta a las necesidades de los fieles.

El Papa Francisco sugirió que un conductor de autobús, un agricultor o un pescador pueden preguntarse qué papel pueden desempeñar en la misión evangelizadora de la Iglesia. Pero “lo que tenemos que hacer todos: dar testimonio con nuestras vidas. Y corresponsabilizarnos de la misión de la Iglesia”, exhortó.
“Los laicos, los bautizados, están en la Iglesia en su propia casa, y tienen que cuidarla. Lo mismo que nosotros, los sacerdotes, los consagrados”, dijo el Papa. “Cada uno aportando lo que mejor sabe hacer”.

“Somos corresponsables en la misión, participamos y vivimos en la comunión de la Iglesia”, dijo, pidiendo oraciones para que la iglesia “siga apoyando por todos los medios un estilo de vida sinodal, bajo el signo de la corresponsabilidad, promoviendo la participación, la comunión y la misión compartida entre sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos”.

Encountering, following Jesus changes everything, pope says

By Carol Glatz
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – It is not enough to know about Jesus, one must encounter him, be changed by his Gospel and follow him, Pope Francis said.

“I can know many things about Jesus, but if I have not encountered him, I still do not know who Jesus is,” the pope told visitors and pilgrims who joined him in St. Peter’s Square Sept. 15 for the midday recitation of the Angelus prayer.

“It takes this life-changing encounter; it changes one’s way of being, one’s way of thinking, it changes the relationships you have with your brothers and sisters, your willingness to accept and forgive, it changes the choices you make in life,” he said.

In the day’s Gospel reading from St. Mark, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?”
Peter responds correctly, saying that he is the Christ, the pope said. However, Peter still has a “worldly” way of thinking that believes the Messiah must be strong and victorious, and can never suffer or die.
“So, the words with which Peter responds are ‘right,’ but his way of thinking has not changed,” Pope Francis said. “He still has to change his mindset; he still has to convert.”

This is the same message for all Catholics, who must ask themselves, “Who is Jesus for me?” he said. It is not enough to respond with something learned in catechism class, to know doctrine and to recite prayers correctly.

Pope Francis greets visitors gathered in St. Peter’s Square to pray the Angelus at the Vatican Sept. 15, 2024. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

“In reality, to know the Lord, it is not enough to know something about him, but rather to follow him, to let oneself be touched and changed by his Gospel. It is a matter of having a relationship with him, an encounter,” he said.

The faithful, he said, should be “bothered” by the questions and ask “who Jesus is for me, and what place does he occupy in my life? Do I follow Jesus only in word, continuing to have a worldly mentality, or do I set out to follow him, allowing the encounter with him to transform my life?”

“Everything changes if you have truly come to know Jesus!” the pope said.

Encontrar y seguir a Jesús lo cambia todo, dice el Papa

By Carol Glatz
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – No basta con saber de Jesús, hay que tener un encuentro con él, dejarse tocar por su Evangelio y seguirlo, dijo el Papa Francisco.

“Yo puedo conocer muchas cosas de Jesús, pero si no lo he encontrado, entonces yo no sé quién es Jesú”,dijo el Papa a los visitantes y peregrinos que se reunieron con él en la Plaza de San Pedro el 15 de septiembre para el rezo del Ángelus.

“Es necesario este encuentro que cambia la vida: cambia el modo de ser, cambia el modo de pensar, cambia las relaciones que tienes con los hermanos, la disposición a acoger y a perdonar, cambia las elecciones que haces en la vida”, dijo.

En la lectura del Evangelio del día, tomada de San Marcos, Jesús pregunta a sus discípulos: “¿Quién dice la gente que soy yo?”.

Pedro responde correctamente, diciendo que él es el Cristo, dijo el Papa. Sin embargo, Pedro todavía tiene un modo de pensar mundano que cree que el Mesías debe ser fuerte y victorioso, y que nunca puede sufrir ni morir.

“Así que las palabras con las que Pedro responde son ‘correctas’, pero su modo de pensar no ha cambiado”, dijo el Papa Francisco. “Todavía tiene que cambiar su forma de pensar; él todavía tiene que convertirse”.

El Papa Francisco saluda a los visitantes reunidos en la Plaza de San Pedro para rezar el Ángelus en el Vaticano el 15 de septiembre de 2024. (Foto CNS/Vatican Media)

Este es el mismo mensaje para todos los católicos, que deben preguntarse: “¿Quién es Jesús para tí?”, dijo. No basta con responder con algo aprendido en la clase de catecismo, conocer la doctrina y recitar correctamente las oraciones.

“En realidad, para conocer al Señor no basta con saber algo de Él, sino que es necesario seguirlo, dejarse tocar y cambiar por su Evangelio. Se trata de tener con Él una relación, un encuentro”, dijo.

Los fieles, dijo, deben sentirse interpelados por las preguntas y preguntarse “¿quién es Jesús para mí y qué lugar ocupa en mi vida?”. Añadiendo, según la traducción del Vaticano en inglés, “¿Sigo a Jesús sólo de palabra, continuando con una mentalidad mundana, o me propongo seguirle, permitiendo que el encuentro con Él transforme mi vida?”
“¡Todo cambia si has conocido de verdad a Jesús!”, dijo el Papa.

Adoration anchors one’s life in Jesus, pope says

By Cindy Wooden
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The best way to ensure evangelization is about Jesus and not about oneself is to spend time in prayer and especially in Eucharistic adoration, Pope Francis told members of the Oblates of St. Joseph.

“Young people do not need us; they need God,” the pope told members of the order’s general chapter during a meeting at the Vatican Aug. 26.

“The more we live in his presence, the more we are able to help them encounter him without unnecessary protagonism and having only their salvation and full happiness at heart,” the pope said.

People today, but especially young people, he said, live in a world where what seems to count most is what is on the outside: one’s appearance, achievements or adventures.

Pope Francis talks about the plight of migrants during his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Aug. 28, 2024. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)

“But a life lived all ‘outside’ leaves the inside empty like someone who spends all his time on the street and lets his home fall into disrepair for lack of care and love,” the pope said. Instead, “make your hearts, your communities (and) your religious houses places where the warmth of familiarity with God and among brothers and sisters can be felt and shared.”

The life of every Christian, but especially of a member of a religious order, must be anchored in “a daily ‘being’ with Jesus,” he said. “Let’s not delude ourselves: without him we do not stand, none of us. We each have our own frailties, and without the Lord to sustain us, we would not stand.”

Participating in the sacraments, listening to and meditating on Scripture and spending time before Jesus in the Eucharist are essential parts of religious life, he said.

“I want to emphasize this: Sometimes we neglect adoration, the prayer of adoration, silence before the Lord,” Pope Francis said. The priests and brothers in the order should imitate St. Joseph, their patron, and the way he responded to “the immense gift of having the very Son of God made man in his home: by being with him, listening to him, talking to him and sharing with him the life of every day.”

The pope also asked members of the general chapter to think about their sins and notice how “when you fell into sin it was because you were not close to the Lord. That is always the case. Those who are close to the Lord immediately cling to him and do not fall.”

El Papa reza para que María proteja a los cristianosperseguidos en Nicaragua

By Justin McLellan
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Mientras la Iglesia Católica y los cristianos en general experimentan una intensa persecución en Nicaragua, el Papa Francisco expresó su aliento y apoyo a las personas que viven bajo el régimen autoritario del país.
“Al amado pueblo de Nicaragua: les animo a renovar su esperanza en Jesús”, dijo después de rezar el Ángelus el 25 de agosto. “Recordad que el Espíritu Santo guía siempre la historia hacia proyectos más altos”.
La semana anterior, el gobierno nicaragüense revocó el estatus legal de 1.500 organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro que operaban en el país, muchas de ellas iglesias cristianas, así como organizaciones caritativas católicas y congregaciones religiosas. La Asamblea Nacional de Nicaragua también aprobó el 20 de agosto nuevas medidas fiscales que requerirían a iglesias y organizaciones religiosas de todas las confesiones a pagar impuestos. Además, durante las tres primeras semanas de agosto, nueve sacerdotes católicos fueron detenidos en Nicaragua y exiliados a Roma.

El Papa Francisco saluda a los visitantes el 25 de agosto de 2024. (Foto de Vatican Media)

“Que la Virgen Inmaculada los proteja en los momentos de prueba y los ayude a sentir su ternura materna; que Nuestra Señora acompañe al amado pueblo de Nicaragua”, rezó el Papa con los visitantes en la Plaza de San Pedro.
El Papa Francisco también expresó su solidaridad con las miles de personas afectadas por los brotes de viruela del mono, declarada “emergencia de salud pública de importancia internacional” por la Organización Mundial de la Salud el 14 de agosto. Según cifras de la organización de la ONU actualizadas el 22 de agosto, se han producido 3.562 casos de viruela del mono en 2024, con el resultado de 26 muertes. Doce países han notificado casos de viruela del mono, siendo el brote más agudo en el Congo.
“Rezo por todas las personas contagiadas, especialmente por la población de la República Democrática del Congo tan probada”, dijo el Papa. “Expreso mi cercanía a las Iglesias locales de los países más afectados por esta enfermedad y aliento a los gobiernos y a las industrias privadas a que compartan la tecnología y los tratamientos disponibles, para que a nadie le falte una asistencia médica adecuada”.
Haciendo un gesto a la gran cantidad de visitantes vestidos de negro bajo el sol de agosto, el Papa Francisco saludó a los nuevos seminaristas que estudian en el Pontificio Colegio Norteamericano de Roma y les deseó “un buen camino formativo”.
La nueva promoción del Pontificio Colegio Norteamericano está formada por 38 seminaristas: 36 de Estados Unidos y dos de Australia. Para el año académico 2024-25, un total de 113 hombres de 56 diócesis y eparquías se prepararán para el sacerdocio en el colegio, siendo la archidiócesis de Washington la que cuenta con el mayor número de seminaristas matriculados.
En su discurso principal, el Papa reflexionó sobre la lectura del Evangelio del día de San Juan en la que los seguidores de Jesús se escandalizan después de que dijera: “Yo soy el pan que ha bajado del cielo”. Muchos de los discípulos de Jesús le abandonaron después de oír esto porque lo que decía era demasiado difícil de entender.
“No es fácil seguirlo”, añadió. “Tampoco para nosotros es fácil seguir al Señor, comprender su modo de actuar, hacer nuestros sus criterios y sus ejemplos”.
“Tampoco para nosotros es fácil. Pero, cuanto más nos acercamos a Él … más experimentamos la belleza de tenerlo como Amigo, y nos damos cuenta de que solo Él tiene ‘palabras de vida eterna’”, dijo el Papa.

In times of trial know that nothings impossible for God, pope says

By Cindy Wooden
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Each Christian and the whole Catholic Church must hold fast to the promise that “nothing is impossible for God,” especially when facing difficulties, Pope Francis said.

Resuming his weekly general audiences Aug. 7 after a six-week summer break, the pope returned to his series of audience talks about the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church.

“Without the Holy Spirit, the church cannot keep moving, the church doesn’t grow, the church cannot preach,” he told pilgrims and visitors sheltered from the summer heat in the air-conditioned Paul VI Audience Hall.

Two women holding signs and shouting for the church to formally declare bullfighting a sin interrupted the reading of a passage from the Bible at the beginning of the audience. Security escorted them out of the audience hall.

Looking at how the Holy Spirit enlivens and assists the church, Pope Francis said people often wonder, “How is it possible to proclaim Jesus Christ and his salvation to a world that seems to seek only well-being in this world?”

Pope Francis blesses a Bible as he greets newlyweds at the end of his weekly general audience in the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican Aug. 7, 2024. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)

The answer, he said, is given in the Acts of the Apostles: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses.”

Notice, the pope said, the words are almost the same as those the Angel Gabriel said to Mary when she asked how it would be possible that she would conceive and bear God’s son.

“What is said about the church in general also applies to us, to every baptized person,” Pope Francis told the crowd. “In life, all of us sometimes find ourselves in situations beyond our strength, and we ask ourselves: ‘How can I cope with this situation?’ It helps, in such cases, to repeat to ourselves what the angel said to the Virgin: ‘With God nothing will be impossible.’”

The pope prayed that everyone would find the strength to keep going “with this comforting certainty in our hearts: ‘With God nothing will be impossible.’”

“If we believe this, we will perform miracles,” he said. “With God nothing will be impossible.”

En tiempos difíciles, recuerden que nada es imposiblepara Dios, dice el Papa

By Cindy Wooden
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Cada cristiano y toda la Iglesia Católica deben aferrarse a la promesa de que “nada es imposible para Dios”, especialmente cuando se enfrentan a dificultades, dijo el Papa Francisco.

Reanudando sus audiencias semanales el 7 de agosto después de una pausa de verano de seis semanas, el Papa retomó su serie de discursos en audiencia sobre el papel del Espíritu Santo en la vida de la Iglesia.
“Sin el Espíritu Santo la Iglesia no puede avanzar, la Iglesia no crece, la Iglesia no puede predicar”, dijo a los peregrinos y visitantes que se resguardaban del calor del verano en la Sala de Audiencias Pablo VI, con aire acondicionado.

Dos mujeres que portaban pancartas y pedían a gritos que la Iglesia declarara formalmente que las corridas de toros son pecado interrumpieron la lectura de un pasaje de la Biblia al comienzo de la audiencia. La seguridad las escoltó fuera de la sala de audiencias.

Observando cómo el Espíritu Santo vivifica y asiste a la Iglesia, el Papa Francisco dijo que la gente a menudo se pregunta: “¿Cómo es posible anunciar a Jesucristo y su salvación a un mundo que parece buscar solo el bienestar?”

Pope Francis speaks with members of the cultural group “Tonatiuh” from Monterrey, Mexico, at the end of his weekly general audience in the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican Aug. 7, 2024. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)

La respuesta, dijo, se da en los Hechos de los Apóstoles: “Recibiréis la fuerza del Espíritu Santo, que vendrá sobre vosotros, y seréis mis testigos”.

Fíjense, dijo el Papa, las palabras son casi las mismas que el ángel Gabriel dijo a María cuando ella preguntó cómo sería posible que concibiera y diera a luz al hijo de Dios.

“Lo que se dice de la Iglesia en general, vale también para nosotros, para cada bautizado”, dijo el Papa Francisco a la multitud. “Cada uno de nosotros se encuentra a veces, en la vida, en situaciones superiores a sus fuerzas y se pregunta: ‘¿Cómo puedo afrontar esta situación?’. Ayuda, en estos casos, repetirse a uno mismo lo que el ángel dijo a la Virgen: ‘Para Dios nada será imposible’”.

El Papa rezó para que todos encuentren la fuerza para seguir adelante “con esta reconfortante certeza en el corazón: ‘Nada es imposible para Dios’”.

“Si creemos esto, haremos milagros”, dijo. “Nada es imposible para Dios”.

Pope: Heaven is for ‘everyone, everyone, everyone’

By Justin McLellan
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Heaven is not a secure vault protected from outsiders but a “hidden treasure” that is reached by cultivating virtues, Pope Francis said.

Before praying the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul June 29, the pope reflected on Jesus giving St. Peter, the first pope, the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

“The mission that Jesus entrusts to Peter is not that of barring the doors to the house, permitting entry only to a few select guests, but of helping everyone to find the way to enter, in faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus,” Pope Francis said after celebrating Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica.

Heaven, he added, is “for everyone. Everyone, everyone, everyone can enter.”

The pope said that St. Peter “received the keys to the kingdom not because he was perfect, no, he is a sinner, but because he was humble, honest and the Father had given him sincere faith.”

Pope Francis greets visitors gathered in St. Peter’s Square to pray the Angelus at the Vatican June 29, 2024. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Even after many trials and setbacks, the Apostle Peter was the first to experience for himself “the joy and freedom that come from meeting the Lord,” and the first “to understand that authority is a service in order to open the door to Jesus.”

The following day, Pope Francis again appeared in the window of the Apostolic Palace to keep his usual Sunday appointment of praying the Angelus with the faithful. He focused on the Gospel theme of inclusivity by reflecting on the day’s Gospel reading from St. Mark in which a woman is healed after touching Jesus’ cloak and a girl is resurrected after Jesus took her by the hand.

Highlighting the importance of physical contact in both healings, the pope asked, “Why is this physical contact important?”

“It is because these two women are considered impure and cannot, therefore, be physically touched – one because she suffers from bleeding and the other because she is dead,” he said. “Yet, Jesus allows Himself to be touched and is not afraid to touch.”

By carrying out the physical healing, Jesus “challenges the false religious belief that God separates the pure, placing them on one side, from the impure on another,” the pope said. “Instead, God does not make this kind of separation because we are all his children.”

He added that impurity “does not come from food, illness, or even death; impurity comes from an impure heart.”

Pope Francis urged Christians to take to heart the lesson from the day’s Gospel reading, that “in the face of bodily and spiritual sufferings, of the wounds our souls bear, of the situations that crush us, and even in the face of sin, God does not keep us at a distance.”

“God is not ashamed of us; God does not judge us,” he said. “On the contrary, He draws near to let Himself be touched and to touch us, and He always raises us from death.”

Vatican offers indulgence for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

By Carol Glatz

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Any Catholic who participates in the celebration July 28 of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly can receive a plenary indulgence, the Vatican announced.

“Grandparents, the elderly and all the faithful who, motivated by a true spirit of penance and charity,” attend Mass or other prayer services as part of the day’s celebration can receive the indulgence, which “may also be applied as a suffrage to the souls in purgatory,” said the announcement published July 18 by the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican court charged with granting indulgences.

The Vatican said the indulgence also can apply to those who “devote adequate time to actually or virtually visiting their elderly brothers and sisters in need or in difficulty,” such as those who are sick, lonely or disabled.

To receive a plenary indulgence, which is a remission of the temporal punishment due for one’s sins, a person must show detachment from sin, go to confession, receive the Eucharist and pray for the intentions of the pope. The announcement also urged priests “to make themselves available, in a ready and generous spirit,” to hear confessions.

The indulgence also is available to “the elderly sick and all those who, unable to leave their homes for a serious reason,” spiritually join the celebrations, which will be broadcast through various media, and offer “to the merciful God their prayers, pains or sufferings,” the Vatican said.

Pope Francis celebrated the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly in 2021 and decreed that it be observed each year on the Sunday closest to the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne, Jesus’ grandparents.

Pope Francis waves to visitors in St. Peter’s Square alongside a young person and his grandmother after praying the Angelus July 23, 2023. On World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, the pope stressed the need for young people and the elderly to interact with each other. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)

In his message for this year’s celebration, Pope Francis focused on the problem of intergenerational conflict, calling it “a fallacy and the poisoned fruit of conflict.”

Dedicated to the theme “Do not cast me off in my old age” from the Book of Psalms, the pope’s message said the elderly must not be accused of saddling younger generations with their medical expenses and pensions — a notion which foments intergenerational conflict and drives older people into isolation.

“The loneliness and abandonment of the elderly is not by chance or inevitable, but the fruit of decisions — political, economic, social and personal decisions — that fail to acknowledge the infinite dignity of each person,” the pope had written.

The pope encouraged all people to express gratitude to those who, often at great sacrifice, “care for an older person or simply demonstrate daily closeness to relatives or acquaintances who no longer have anyone else.”