“Going home to God”: Father Noel Prendergast passes at age 90

By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – Just shy of sixty-six years a priest, Father Noel Prendergast entered eternal life on May 26, 2024.

He was born Jan. 1, 1934, the youngest of John and Mary Prendergast’s seven children. He was born at Christmastime, so that’s where Noel came from, Father Prendergast once told Mississippi Catholic.

He studied six years at St. Patrick’s College and Seminary in Carlow, Ireland; and was ordained in that city’s Catholic cathedral on June 7, 1958. It was Prendergast’s choice to spend his entire priesthood in Mississippi, giving up cold, wet winters and springs for the occasional snow and frequent hot temperatures native to the Deep South.

Father Prendergast and three other priests arrived in Mississippi in September 1958. His first assignment was to Nativity Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Biloxi as an associate pastor.

Four years later, he was moved to St. Mary’s Church in Jackson, where he served for two years as associate pastor. Father Prendergast once remarked that he “saw it more of an adventure,” since the parish also had a school.

From there, he was transferred to Mercy Hospital in Vicksburg, where he was chaplain. He left after three years for his first pastorate at Assumption Church in Natchez in 1967.

Father Prendergast became a U.S. citizen in the mid-1960s. “I figured if I was going to live here, I needed to be a citizen and take part in voting,” Prendergast recalled in 2018 for his sixtieth anniversary celebration.

CLINTON – Father Noel Prendergast stands in the sanctuary of Holy Savior Clinton in this file photo. He passed away at age 90 on Sunday, May 26. (Photo from archives)

Just two years after arriving in Natchez, Bishop Joseph Brunini assigned him as pastor of Gulf Coast Missions in Gulfport. He enjoyed returning to the coast, as he missed the sea, as he was only about 30 minutes from the ocean in his native Ireland.

Another two short years later, he was on his way to Annunciation parish in Columbus, where he served as pastor for 10 years. “You really got to know the people and appreciate them, and they appreciated what you did for them,” Father Prendergast once said.

His next stop was St. Michael’s Church in Vicksburg in September 1980, where he remained for 12 years. During his tenure, Father Prendergast helped oversee the construction of a new church structure, while the old church building became the parish hall.

His next assignment, in 1991, was Holy Savior in Clinton and Immaculate Conception in Raymond, where he remained 12 years.

In 2003, he found himself at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Yazoo City, where he remained until he requested retirement at age 75 in 2008.

Father Prendergast chose to come to Mississippi, and he chose to stay in Mississippi. At his 60th ordination anniversary celebration in 2018, Father Prendergast said that he came back to Clinton because he couldn’t “stand the weather over there” in Ireland and that he knew more people in Mississippi than he did in Ireland. Mississippi had become his home.

He enjoyed the life of a retiree, taking annual trips back to his homeland in Ireland to visit family; and also spending time on the golf course with his fellow priests and filling in occasionally at his home parish of Holy Savior Clinton. Father PJ Curley played golf with him nearly every Monday and Friday for 40 years, developing a deep friendship as fellow golfers and Irish priests.

“Imagine the eternal hug from God to Noel, who is in his image and in his likeness,” said Father Curley during the funeral Mass for Father Prendergast. “What a beautiful thought what a beautiful image. Going home to God.”

“Father Noel Prendergast is home, safe and sound.”

Bishop Kopacz releases Reimagining process pastoral letter

By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – The year-long pastoral reimagining process undertaken by the Diocese of Jackson concluded with a pastoral letter by Bishop Joseph Kopacz released on Pentecost Sunday, May 19.

The Reimagining process spread across five major phases, that included establishing pastoral reimagining committees; parish assessments; reviewing data on diocesan demographics by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) and pastors, deacons and LEMs meeting; and Bishop Kopacz visiting each deanery to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving and meeting with key people who worked on the pastoral reimagining process for each parish.

Spurred from the prayer and conversation from the Synod of Synodality process, the Pastoral Reimagining process was to deepen the understanding of what it means to be a church that is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. In his pastoral letter, Bishop Kopacz writes that, “these timeless marks served us well in order to reimagine and renew our relationship with the Lord who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

The pastoral letter is in response to the intentional work of parishes through the various phases of the Reimagining process and strives to honor the conversations, aspirations, struggles and dreams of the individuals who gathered for the process of the past year.

Touching on various topics, Bishop Kopacz first focuses on the desire for healing and unity, a topic brought about in the Synod process and then throughout the Reimagining process. He writes, “Fundamental to the healing within the church is the rebuilding of trust through transparency, collaboration and walking together as the Body of Christ.”

Other subjects include being more inviting to all and increased need for more bilingual catechist who can bridge the language gap between those serving in ministries in parish communities and those in large Hispanic communities around the diocese.

Bishop Kopacz writes, “The vast majority of the Hispanic children and young people are familiar with the English language and easily integrate into the flow of parish life … However, with older generations, there are pastoral realities that can marginalize, and it is incumbent upon diocesan and parish leadership, as well as parishioners to bridge the gaps in order to strengthen the bonds of the Body of Christ.”

The dignity of human life and the overcoming of hostile polarization and negative bipartisan politics are also topics addressed.

“Because our Synodal and Reimagining sessions were rooted in scripture and prayer, we did not fall prey to the landmines of divisiveness and polarization. It can be done, and it bodes well for the pastoral work that awaits us,” writes Bishop Kopacz.

Fran Lavelle, director of faith formation for the diocese, worked with Bishop Kopacz throughout the process. She says that the pastoral letter “isn’t the end [of the process] – it’s the beginning. Now we begin the hard work of … developing the things that we need to be successful.”

At the conclusion of his letter, Bishop Kopacz writes that the Chancery office is well equipped to accompany all parishes and missions to meet the challenges of their local communities and help explore ways to grow their ministries.

“There is much work to be done but together we can build a future of hope.”

To read the pastoral letter and learn more about the Pastoral Reimagining process visit jacksondiocese.org/pastoral-reimagining.

Obispo Kopacz publica una Carta Pastoral sobre proceso de reimaginación

Por Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – El proceso de reinvención pastoral de un año emprendido por la Diócesis de Jackson concluyó con una carta pastoral del obispo Joseph Kopacz publicada el domingo de Pentecostés, 19 de mayo.

El proceso de Reimaginación se desarrolló en cinco fases principales, que incluyeron el establecimiento de comités pastorales de reimaginación; evaluaciones parroquiales; revisar datos sobre demografía diocesana por parte del Centro de Investigación Aplicada en el Apostolado (CARA) y reuniones de pastores, diáconos y LEM; y el obispo Kopacz visitó cada decanato para celebrar una Misa de Acción de Gracias y reunirse con personas claves que trabajaron en el proceso de reimaginación pastoral de cada parroquia.

Impulsado por la oración y la conversación del proceso del Sínodo de la Sinodalidad, el proceso de Reimaginación Pastoral tuvo como objetivo profundizar la comprensión de lo que significa ser una iglesia Una, Santa, Católica y Apostólica.

En su carta pastoral, el obispo Kopacz escribe que “…estas marcas eternas nos sirvieron para reimaginar y renovar nuestra relación con el Señor, que es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida.”

La carta pastoral del obispo Kopacz es una respuesta al trabajo intencional de las parroquias a través de las diversas fases del proceso de Reimaginación y se esfuerza por honrar las conversaciones, aspiraciones, luchas y sueños de las personas que se reunieron para el proceso del año pasado.

Al tocar varios temas, el obispo Kopacz se centra primero en el deseo de sanación y unidad, un tema que surgió en el proceso del Sínodo y luego a lo largo del proceso de Reimaginación cuando escribe: “Lo fundamental para la sanación dentro de la iglesia es la reconstrucción de la confianza a través de la transparencia, la colaboración y el caminar juntos como Cuerpo de Cristo.”

Otros temas incluyen ser más atractivos para todos y una mayor necesidad de más catequistas bilingües que puedan cerrar la brecha lingüística entre quienes sirven en los ministerios en las comunidades parroquiales y aquellos en las grandes comunidades Hispanas alrededor de la diócesis.

El obispo Kopacz escribe: “La gran mayoría de los niños y jóvenes hispanos están familiarizados con el idioma inglés y se integran fácilmente en el flujo de la vida parroquial… Sin embargo, con las generaciones mayores, hay realidades pastorales que pueden marginar y, es responsabilidad del liderazgo diocesano y parroquial así como de los feligreses, el cerrar las brechas a fin de fortalecer los vínculos del Cuerpo de Cristo.”

El obispo Kopacz también aborda temas sobre la dignidad de la vida humana y la superación de la polarización hostil y la política bipartidista negativa.

“Debido a que nuestras sesiones sinodales y de reimaginación se basaron en las Escrituras y la oración, no fuimos víctimas de las minas terrestres de la división y la polarización. Se puede hacer y es un buen augurio para el trabajo pastoral que nos espera,…” escribió.

Fran Lavelle, directora de formación en la fe de la diócesis, trabajó con el obispo Kopacz durante todo el proceso. Ella dice que la carta pastoral del obispo Kopacz “…no es el final [del proceso], es el comienzo. Ahora comenzamos el arduo trabajo de… desarrollar las cosas que necesitamos para tener éxito.”

Al fin de su carta, el obispo Kopacz escribe que la oficina de la Cancillería está bien equipada para acompañar a todas las parroquias y misiones a enfrentar los retos de sus comunidades y a explorar formas para crecer sus ministerios.”Hay mucho trabajo por hacer, pero juntos podemos construir un futuro de esperanza.”

Para leer la Carta Pastoral y obtener más información sobre el proceso de Reimaginación Pastoral, visite jacksondiocese.org/pastoral-reimagining.

Pastoral Reimagining: Bishop discerns future of growth and collaboration

By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – The year-long pastoral reimagining process undertaken by the Diocese of Jackson continues with a period of discernment by Bishop Joseph Kopacz before concluding with a pastoral letter.

Spreading across five major phases, that included establishing pastoral reimagining committees, parish assessments, reviewing data on diocesan demographics by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) and pastors, deacons and LEMs meeting; phase three just concluded with Bishop Kopacz visiting each deanery to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving and meet with key people who worked on the pastoral reimagining process for each parish.

KOSCIUSKO – Bishop Joseph Kopacz speaks to a packed parish hall at St. Therese parish on the Pastoral Reimagining process being undertaken by the diocese. He now enters a period of discernment before releasing a pastoral letter. (Photo by Tereza Ma)

In the month of March, priests, deacons and LEMs of each deanery of the diocese were asked to discuss the responses from the reimagining process from the parishes. Some of the questions discussed were what areas they saw growth; what challenges are associated with that growth; what areas of ministry are diminishing; what are the challenges with this decline; and what areas need greater collaboration with the Chancery offices.

After deanery meetings, Bishop Kopacz traveled to each deanery for a special Mass of Thanksgiving, celebrating “Eucharist and conversation,” with those who worked on the Pastoral Reimagining process in their respective parishes. Though each gathering had varied responses, they all were asked the questions: Where do we go from here? How do we animate and foster the growing edges? How do we address the challenges?

Across each deanery many highlighted the growing Hispanic population and raised questions as to how to serve the population faithfully and effectively, a sentiment Bishop Kopacz highlighted in meeting with priests during phase two of the reimagining process.

“I’m grateful to a number of our parishes that have opened up with inviting the Hispanic population through having Mass and liturgy. It’s just amazing to see the growth.”

After assessing needs through the Reimagining process, Father Manohar Thangundla of St. Francis of Assisi parish in Brookhaven recently added a weekly Spanish Mass on Saturdays to accommodate increasing numbers of Hispanics in the area. Additionally, he began learning Vietnamese to hold a monthly Mass for that growing community, as well.

Bishop Kopacz says that almost 30 of the diocese’s 72 parishes offer Mass in Spanish.

“It’s about bringing people into the community at a deeper level, but the challenge is the literacy [of our priests.] … Becoming confident enough to offer the Mass, even if you can’t preach the homily in Spanish,” said Bishop Kopacz.

“We have priests in the diocese who are bilingual and many who are willing to learn to celebrate the sacraments, so people can have that experience.”

Raquel Thompson, director of Hispanic ministry at St. James Tupelo, said that she and the parish’s director of faith formation, Rhonda Swita, are working to band together Hispanic and White communities, with the premise – ‘we are better together.”

“She [Swita] is working to create more activities we can do as families together. … So, we’ll be one whole Catholic Church,” said Thompson.

“We are one body of Christ, and no matter what language we speak, we have to be kind, respectful and have love for each other.”

As for additional challenges and fostering growth, many of the deanery gatherings brought up the availability of activities and involvement of youth and young adults in their respective communities, with an emphasis on having adults getting their children involved in the church community.

Lauren Codding, who served on the Pastoral Reimagining committee for St. Alphonsus McComb and attended the phase three session with Bishop Kopacz for deanery two, said that during the committee’s assessment, they identified faith formation for youth and young adults as an area for improvement.

“We want to start providing faith formation to our young adult community, so that they feel welcomed, and we can build community among that age group. Our hope is that they will start bringing their children to church and we can in turn feed the children through religious education,” said Codding.

The parish also hopes to start a campus ministry program to reach young adults at McComb’s local community college.

Campus ministry is an initiative that others around the diocese voiced during Reimagining sessions to reach the young adult demographic. In a proactive response to the growing demand for more opportunities for young adults, the diocese inaugurated its Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministry in 2022. This effort was in response to the Synod on Synodality process, where the diocese heard concerns on evangelization to young adults.

“This is a ministry that will continue to grow as we make additional efforts in our parishes to reach our growing edges,” said Bishop Kopacz.

Members of Deanery I gathered at St. Francis Madison on Thursday, April 11, 2024 for a Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Kopacz for the Pastoral Reimagining process the diocese has undertaken since Pentecost last year.

A third area discussed at many of the deanery community gatherings for the Reimagining process is the importance of a sense of community and inviting non-Catholics to learn about the church.

Several parishes mentioned during various deanery gatherings that small faith communities have been successful in encouraging lifelong friendships and a sense of strong faith. Others, like Isaac Blakemore of St. Francis Madison, who just came into the church at Easter Vigil, felt that as Catholics we need to understand our faith and have the courage to share it with the community.

As a former ordained Methodist minister, Blakemore was drawn to the Catholic Church by the sacraments. He told members of the deanery one gathering at St. Francis Madison that when he received the Eucharist for the first time, it was like someone had him in on a secret.

“One thing I think all parishes could do is … to just be proud of what the Catholic faith offers and share it,” said Blakemore. “If you do believe that indeed this is the one, true church, you ought to believe that the Holy Spirit can move even through someone that is just a layperson. You can invite someone into learning about the Catholic faith … and be willing to discuss it.”

Phase four of the Pastoral Reimagining process is currently underway with Bishop Kopacz in a season of discernment, allowing time for the drafting of a pastoral letter to the people of God in the Diocese of Jackson.

When asked about the overall Reimagining process, Bishop Kopacz explained that it unfolded in stages due to its organic nature, rooted deeply at the grassroots level.

“We asked parishes to do their best thinking, reflecting and praying,” said Bishop Kopacz. “Focusing on the specifics of their settings and how to move forward in the context of the whole diocese and with the support and encouragement of the bishop’s office and the chancery.”

He plans to keep his pastoral letter as brief as it can be, but still have it substantial enough to address key areas of growth and concern.

“I see my ministry … as to keep mining and plowing this field; and seeing what we can do and how we can assist one another to make it happen on a local level; and with and through the diocese,” says Bishop Kopacz.

Decade of faith: Bishop Kopacz celebrates 10-year milestone

By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – Bishop Joseph Kopacz, surrounded by priests and deacons from the Diocese of Jackson, commemorated his 10th anniversary of ordination to the episcopacy at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle in Jackson with a special Mass on Tuesday, Feb. 6.

Bishop Kopacz was ordained and installed as the 11th Bishop of Jackson on Feb. 6, 2014, but he fondly remembers getting the initial call the day before Thanksgiving – in an unforgettable Italian accent – “Holy Father is directing you to be the bishop of Jackson in Mississippi.” Bishop mused to those gathered at his anniversary Mass, that “it was an offer you can’t refuse.”

JACKSON – Bishop Joseph Kopacz lays prostrate during his ordination as Bishop of Jackson on Feb. 6, 2014 at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. He recently celebrated his 10th anniversary at the Bishop for the Diocese of Jackson. (Photo from archives)

“These 10 years later has given me an opportunity to reflect and appreciate the call and the ongoing challenge and blessing of serving as the 11th bishop of the diocese,” said Bishop Kopacz.

He fondly remembered traversing the diocese by airplane days after being installed as Bishop and visiting a few parishes across the diocese, including St. Mary’s Basilica in Natchez, St. Joseph in Greenville, St. James in Tupelo and to St. Joseph in Starkville. “It was great to experience and see what a large swath of land the diocese covers,” said Bishop Kopacz. “So, 10 years later and possibly 300,000 miles later on my car, I think I can say I know a little bit about Mississippi and its geography.”

But more than miles, Bishop Kopacz reflected, are the countless souls who have touched his life along the way through parishes and the variety of missions and ministries that make up the diocese. He continued by celebrating the dedication of the clergy, the resilience of parishioners and the transformative power of God’s grace working through each individual.

In his homily, Bishop Kopacz credits his enthusiasm and energy for the diocese to the Eucharistic prayer at Mass when the clergy pray for him every day. Joking with those clergy present, that they “can’t skip that part … as a lot of grace flows from that on good days and bad. It truly carries me forward.”

Turning 74 later this year, Bishop Kopacz says that he hopes to still be around to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the diocese in 13 years. He expressed how grateful he was for the people of the diocese, all of the priests and religious, coworkers at the Chancery and all the staff at parishes across the diocese who respond to God’s call every day.

“I thank everyone for the kindness and generosity for the 10th anniversary of my consecration and installation as the 11th Bishop of Jackson,” said Bishop Kopacz. “It was a splendid and joyful occasion.”

JACKSON – Bishop Joseph Kopacz celebrated his 10th anniversary as the Bishop for the Diocese of Jackson with priests and deacons from around the diocese on Tuesday, Feb. 6 at the Cathedral of St. Peter. Inset, a comemorative photo collage with scenes from the past 10 years. (Photos by Tereza Ma)

Década de Fe del Obispo Joseph Kopacz

Por Joanna Puddister King

JACKSON – El obispo Joseph Kopacz, rodeado de sacerdotes y diáconos de la Diócesis de Jackson, conmemoró su décimo aniversario de ordenación al episcopado en la Catedral de San Pedro Apóstol en Jackson, con una Misa especial el martes 6 de febrero.

JACKSON – En Misa especial el 6 de febrero del 2024, el obispo Joseph Kopacz celebró el décimo aniversario de su nombramiento como el obispo undécimo de la Diócesis de Jackson Mississippi. En la foto se ve al opispo Kopacz, en su entrada a la Catedral de San Pedro, precedido por Mary Woodward, canciller de la Diócesis y el diácono Denzel Lobo. (Foto de Tereza Ma)

El obispo Kopacz fue ordenado e instalado como el undécimo obispo de Jackson el 6 de febrero de 2014, pero recuerda con cariño haber recibido la llamada inicial el día antes del Día de Acción de Gracias, con un acento italiano inolvidable: “El Santo Padre le indica que sea el obispo de Jackson. en Misisipi.”
El obispo Kopacz reflexionó ante los reunidos en su misa de aniversario que “era una oferta que no se puede rechazar”.

“Estos pasados 10 años me han dado la oportunidad de reflexionar y apreciar el llamado y el desafío y la bendición continua de servir como el undécimo obispo de la diócesis”, dijo el obispo Kopacz.

Recordó con cariño haber atravesado la diócesis en avión días después de haber sido instalado como obispo y haber visitado algunas parroquias en toda la diócesis, incluida la Basílica de Santa María en Natchez, San José en Greenville, San James en Tupelo y San José en Starkville.

“Fue fantástico experimentar y ver la gran extensión de terreno que cubre la diócesis”, dijo el obispo Kopacz. “En aquel entonces y 10 años después, con posiblemente 300.000 millas en mi auto, creo que puedo decir que sé un poco sobre Mississippi y su geografía.”

Pero más que millas, reflexionó el obispo Kopacz, son las innumerables almas que han tocado su vida a lo largo del camino a través de las parroquias y la variedad de misiones y ministerios que conforman la diócesis.

JACKSON – En fotos, momentos de la Misa especial el 6 de febrero de 2024 celebrada el obispo Joseph Kopacz al arribar el décimo aniversario de su nombramiento como pastor del Pueblo de Dios en la Diócesis de Jackson Mississippi un 6 de febrero de 2014 . (Fotos de Tereza Ma)

Continuó celebrando la dedicación del clero, la resiliencia de los feligreses y el poder transformador de la gracia de Dios trabajando a través de cada individuo.
En su homilía, el obispo Kopacz atribuye su entusiasmo y energía por la diócesis a la oración eucarística en la Misa cuando el clero reza por él todos los días. Bromeando con los clérigos presentes, diciéndoles que “no pueden saltarse esa parte… ya que de ella fluye mucha gracia en los días buenos y malos. Realmente me hace avanzar”.
El obispo Kopacz, quien cumplirá 74 años a finales de este año, dice que espera seguir presente para celebrar el 200 aniversario de la diócesis dentro de 13 años.
Expresó lo agradecido que estaba por la gente de la diócesis, todos los sacerdotes y religiosos, los compañeros de trabajo de la Cancillería y todo el personal de las parroquias y escuelas de toda la diócesis que responden al llamado de Dios todos los días.
“Agradezco a todos por la amabilidad y generosidad por el décimo aniversario de mi consagración e instalación como undécimo obispo de Jackson,” dijo el obispo Kopacz. “Fue una ocasión espléndida y alegre, concluyó.”

Diocese launches ‘Hope Rising’ appeal for vital ministries

By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – As the Diocese of Jackson kicks off the 2024 Catholic Service Appeal (CSA), director of Stewardship and Development, Rebecca Harris shared her enthusiasm for the ministries that the appeal supports across the diocese.

“The appeal sustains essential ministries that play a pivotal role in nurturing and advancing our Catholic faith,” said Harris.

Under the theme “Hope Rising,” the diocese is inviting all to become beacons of hope to 14 ministries through support and prayers for the appeal.

Harris says that the Catholic community can become that hope to those served by these ministries: Seminarian Education, Catholic Schools, Retired Priests, Clergy Healthcare Assistance, Permanent Diaconate Ministry, Prison Ministry, Catholic Charities, Campus Ministry, Formation Ministry and Religious Education, Intercultural Ministry, Evangelization and Communication, Family Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, Youth Ministry and grants for Parishes and Schools.

Each year in January Bishop Joseph Kopacz sends letters to all parishioners in the diocese asking for support of those ministries. In this year’s letter, he asks that parishioners recognize the timelessness of a piece of St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews – “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have; God is pleased by sacrifices of that kind.” (Hebrews 13:16)

Bishop Kopacz reminds parishioners that “we are gently being summoned to be good stewards of the blessings that we have received and are being called to share our blessings.”

“When you make a gift you become the ‘Hope Rising’ to those served by the appeal,” Harris says.
She says that supporters will also find in-depth information on each of the 14 ministries supported through the appeal at csa.jacksondiocese.org by clicking on the “Ministries Supported” button. She invites all to “explore the profound impact your donations make on our faith community.”

Bishop Kopacz and Harris both express gratitude for the continued trust and support of the Catholic community. “We assure you that we have been diligent stewards of the funds entrusted to us.”

To provide transparency and accountability, the graphics in the Catholic Service Appeal insert in Mississippi Catholic and on the website offer a detailed breakdown of how every dollar from the 2023 CSA was allocated, said Harris. “This visual representation underscores our commitment to responsible financial management and demonstrates how your contributions actively promote our Catholic faith.”

There are several ways to give to the 2024 Catholic Service Appeal. Pledge cards can be mailed to PO Box 22723, Jackson, MS 39225; and supporters can visit csa.jacksondiocese.org to donate online. Additionally, giving is also open through text by texting “GiveCSA” to (601) 202-5979.

Gifts of stocks, donor advised funds and Qualified Charitable Distribution through your IRA can also be made to support the Catholic Service Appeal. For more information on the CSA, contact Rebecca Harris at (601) 960-8477.

(Editor’s note: See the special Catholic Service Appeal insert in this edition of Mississippi Catholic to learn more about all the ministries supported by this appeal.)

Five great Lenten reads

(OSV News) — The season of Lent is an ideal time to grow in the spiritual life. Here are five great reads to help you on your way.

  • “Salvifici Doloris” by Pope St. John Paul II

Written in the wake of his assassination attempt and published as an apostolic letter in 1984, “Salvifici Doloris” is a treatise on the redemptive value of suffering, one of the hidden gems of St. John Paul II’s bibliography. It explains that all suffering finds its meaning and is transformed by Jesus Christ, sheds light on the centrality of the cross in the Christian’s life, and ties together themes of suffering from Scripture to present a robust spirituality on suffering. With Lent’s focus on purification and the need to cling to Christ crucified, this letter is most fitting for the season.

  • “Finding God in Suffering” by Father Christopher M. Mahar (Pauline Books & Media US, 2023)

Drawing richly from the teachings on suffering by Pope St. John Paul II, “Finding God in Suffering” tackles the age-old questions related to the topic, such as “what does suffering mean? Why does God allow it? How can it have a purpose? With Lent’s focus on Christ’s passion and death, this book can help others come to see their own connection to the Suffering Christ.

Drawing from decades of experience in pastoral counseling, author Father Christopher Mahar articulates the church’s teachings very clearly and with great empathy and hope. Each chapter is accompanied by reflection questions and prayer prompts, making the book a perfect tool to engage mind, heart and strength in the midst of suffering.

  • “With God in Russia” by Father Walter Ciszek, S.J. (Ignatius Press, 1997)

An inspiring and challenging memoir of the American Jesuit priest’s imprisonment in a Soviet gulag, falsely accused of espionage and subversion. Much of Father Ciszek’s suffering was endured in hard labor camps in Siberia. While there, he embraced the horror of his situation as a means to carry on his priestly work, even celebrating the sacraments secretly. But, moreover, the brutality he faced was a proving ground for great virtue and holiness. Given the importance placed on interior renewal and holiness imposed by the significance of Lent, this book has much to ponder.

These are the covers of “Finding God in Suffering” by Father Christopher M. Mahar, and “Legacy of Mercy” by Gretchen R. Crowe. (OSV News illustration)
  • “The Imitation of Christ” by Thomas à Kempis (Noll Library, OSV, 2018)

“The Imitation of Christ” is a handbook for spiritual life. The 15th-century text is divided into four books: “Helpful Counsels of the Spiritual Life,” “Directives for the Interior Life,” “On Interior Consolation” and “On the Blessed Sacrament.” It was written at a time when many recognized the need for reform in the church by holier living of its members. It focuses on the interior life and withdrawal from the world. It places emphasis on the devotion to the Eucharist as a key element of spiritual life. It can be a sure daily companion during Lenten prayer time.

  • “Legacy of Mercy” by Gretchen R. Crowe (OSV, 2022)

Legacy of Mercy is an odyssey into the heart of forgiveness, making it a perfect book to pray with during the season of Lent.

Written by OSV News’ editor-in-chief, the book tells the story of raising and losing a son; the story of forgiving his murderers; and the story of a mother responding to her son’s death not with vengeance or self-pity, but with love and a desire to serve others in need.

On May 31, 1999, Rachel Muha experienced a mother’s worst nightmare. Her youngest son, Brian, and his friend Aaron Land were taken by force on a journey of about 20 miles, spanning three states, that ended in torture and death. They were roommates and students at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and the murders shocked the campus and the wider community.

Even before her son’s body was found, Rachel publicly forgave her son’s killers. It was a life-changing moment, not just for her but for everyone who heard her powerful act of forgiveness and love. Rachel has continued to choose mercy and forgiveness every day since then, now leading a ministry that serves inner-city children in the hope that they won’t choose the same life that Brian’s murderers did.

This list originally appeared at Simply Catholic, an online ministry of Our Sunday Visitor.

Local Catholics give back for #iGiveCatholic campaign

By Joanna Puddister King

JACKSON – Nine years ago (2015), the #iGiveCatholic campaign for #GivingTuesday took off as an initiative of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, raising over a million dollars in a 24-hour period for Catholic parishes, schools and ministries. Subsequently, this campaign spread to other dioceses throughout the nation, with participating dioceses increasing with each year. The 2023 #iGiveCatholic campaign had a great impact, with growth in dollars given and donors, raising over $20.1 million for Catholic entities this year.

The Diocese of Jackson joined the #iGiveCatholic campaign in 2016, making this year the eighth year of participation in the nationwide campaign, and generating nearly $193,000 in gifts to a total of 27 parishes, schools and ministries within the diocese.

The success of each organization is based on the amount of effort put forth in publicizing their causes, or reason to raise funds, by reaching out to donors via social media (Facebook, Instagram, emails, websites, etc.) and print publications such as bulletins, posters and flyers.

The #iGiveCatholic campaign focuses on electronic giving and includes a specific website provided to the organizations at no cost, in hopes to encourage greater participation and help generate funds. Each year, the diocese receives a generous grant from Catholic Extension to cover half of the online giving platform fees.

Also included in the grant from Catholic Extension was additional money earmarked for training or prizes to aid in a successful campaign and help generate excitement. Five prizes were awarded in random drawings for entities who had online donors during specific time frames; and three prizes were awarded to the top three fundraisers. The grand prize winners this year were Carmelite Monastery in Jackson; Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Canton; and St. Richard Catholic School in Jackson.

The National Sponsor of #iGiveCatholic this year was Our Sunday Visitor, a Catholic publisher that serves millions of Catholics globally through its publishing and communication services. For the past several years, Our Sunday Visitor has donated offertory envelopes at no cost to participating organizations, to encourage donors, who otherwise would not want to give electronically, helping to increase participation and overall total giving.

“I am always amazed at the generosity of the Catholic community in our diocese,” said Rebecca Harris, director of Stewardship and Development for the Diocese of Jackson. “It is such a blessing to see that same generosity across the country as Catholics generously give to so many ministries.”

In a year when overall donations were down for #GivingTuesday, #iGiveCatholic did not experience that trend, with the giving day raising 8.7% more than in 2022 and a total of 11% more donors.

Harris said, “A big thank you goes out to all those who participated in our diocese and a big thank you to all of the donors who supported so many great projects.”

“What a joy it is to be a part of so many Catholics joyfully sharing their blessings.”