Papa: ‘leones de teclado’ no evangelizan, sólo hacen polémicas

Por Cindy Wooden
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Compartir el Evangelio requiere literalmente “salir”, dar testimonio de la alegría de la fe en persona y no quedarse sentado en casa, siendo “leones de teclado” que discuten con otros en línea, dijo el Papa Francisco.

“No se anuncia el Evangelio parados, encerrados en una oficina, en el escritorio o en el ordenador haciendo polémicas como ‘leones de teclado’ y sustituyendo la creatividad del anuncio con el corta y pega de ideas cogidas aquí y allí”, dijo el Papa el 12 de abril durante su audiencia general semanal en la Plaza de San Pedro. Durante la Octava de Pascua, con decenas de miles de narcisos y tulipanes decorando la plaza, el Papa continuó su serie de discursos sobre el “celo evangélico”, analizando cómo se diferencia de pretender compartir el Evangelio cuando en realidad sólo se busca llamar la atención o promover las propias ideas.

El Papa Francisco lava el pie de un recluso durante la Misa del Jueves Santo de la Cena del Señor en la prisión para menores Casal del Marmo de Roma, 6 de abril de 2023. (Foto de OSV News/Vatican Media)

Al final de la audiencia, antes de dirigir las oraciones por la paz en Ucrania, el Papa Francisco recordó que el 11 de abril se cumplía el 60º aniversario de la encíclica de San Juan XXIII “Pacem in Terris” (“Paz en la Tierra”). La encíclica, dijo, ofreció a la humanidad “un atisbo de serenidad en medio de nubes oscuras” de la alta tensión entre Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética durante la Guerra Fría.
El documento, publicado en 1963, es tan relevante hoy como en ese entonces, dijo el Papa Francisco, leyendo una línea como ejemplo: “Las relaciones internacionales, como las relaciones individuales, han de regirse no por la fuerza de las armas, sino por las normas de la recta razón, es decir, las normas de la verdad, de la justicia y de una activa solidaridad”.

En su discurso principal, el Papa se centró en la necesidad de que los discípulos misioneros estén dispuestos a ponerse en camino y estén abiertos a explorar nuevas sendas mientras tratan de compartir el Evangelio con palabras y obras.

Dejando de lado su texto preparado, el Papa Francisco dijo a la gente en la plaza: “Los exhorto a ser evangelizadores que se mueven, sin miedo, que van adelante para compartir la belleza de Jesús, para llevar la novedad de Jesús que cambia todo”.

El Papa imaginó que alguien le respondía: “Sí, padre, él cambió el calendario, porque ahora contamos los años como ‘antes de Jesús'” y después. Pero, aún más, dijo el Papa, Jesús “cambia el corazón”. “¿Estás dispuesto a dejar que Jesús te cambie el corazón?”, preguntó a los presentes. “¿O eres un cristiano tibio, que no se mueve? Piensa un poco: ¿tú eres un entusiasta de Jesús, vas adelante? Piénsalo”.

“Un heraldo está preparado para partir, y sabe que el Señor pasa de forma sorprendente”, dijo el Papa, por lo que no se puede estar “fosilizado” por cálculos humanos sobre lo que es probable que tenga éxito o por pensamientos de que “siempre se ha hecho así”.

Ser discípulo misionero significa “no dejar pasar las ocasiones de promulgar el Evangelio de la paz, esa paz que Cristo sabe dar más y mejor de como la da el mundo”.

Pope Francis calls for ‘ethical and responsible’
AI development

By Justin McLellan
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis asked tech leaders to measure the value of their innovations not in processing power or profit potential, but in their capacity to promote human dignity.

In a meeting at the Vatican March 27 with scientists, engineers, businesspeople and lawyers working across the tech industry, the pope reflected on the social and cultural impact of artificial intelligence.  
The benefits of artificial intelligence and automated learning for humanity will be realized only if developers act in an “ethical and responsible way” that respects the intrinsic dignity of each person, the pope said.

But he expressed concern that such respect is missing when, for instance, artificially intelligent software is used in producing legal sentences by analyzing an individual’s criminal record and generalized data.

“An individual’s past behavior should not be used to deny him or her the opportunity to change, grow and contribute to society,” he said. “We cannot allow algorithms to limit or condition respect for human dignity, nor can we allow them to exclude compassion, mercy, forgiveness and, above all, an openness to hope for personal change.”

Technology experts fear that the data used to build algorithms in artificially intelligent legal software may amplify pre-existing biases in justice systems, further oppressing already marginalized groups.
“That data can be contaminated by prejudices and social preconceptions,” said the pope. “The fundamental value of a person cannot be measured by a set of data.”

He noted how digital technologies have increased global inequality both economically and in terms of political and social influence. Such inequality, he said, is rooted in a “false sense of meritocracy.”

“There is a risk of conceiving the economic advantage of a few as earned or merited, while the poverty of many is seen, in a certain way, as their fault,” he said.

Pope Francis invited the industry leaders to consider how their innovations may create a more equal and inclusive society.

“Are our national and international institutions able to hold technology companies accountable for the social and cultural impact of their products? Is there are a risk that increased inequality can compromise our sense of human and social solidarity?” he asked.

The pope recalled the ethical principles in AI development agreed to by religious, government and tech industry leaders at the Vatican: transparency, inclusion, responsibility, impartiality, reliability, security and privacy.

Pope Francis meets leaders from the tech industry at the Vatican March 27, 2023. The pope called for an “ethical and responsible” development of artificial intelligence. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

In January, executives from Microsoft and IBM as well as representatives from the Muslim and Jewish communities met at the Vatican to sign a document calling for a human-centered approach to AI development in which the principles were agreed upon.

The document advocated for establishing “an outlook in which AI is developed with a focus not on technology, but rather for the good of humanity and of the environment.”

At the March meeting, the pope thanked the tech leaders for engaging in discussions on responsible technology use that are “open to religious values,” and said that dialogue between religious believers and non-believers on science and ethics “is a path to peacebuilding and integral human development.”

Papa Francisco pide un desarrollo de IA ‘ético y responsable’

Por Justin McLellan

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – El Papa Francisco pidió a los líderes tecnológicos que midieran el valor de sus innovaciones no en el poder de procesamiento o el potencial de ganancias, sino en su capacidad para promover la dignidad humana.

En una reunión en el Vaticano el 27 de marzo con científicos, ingenieros, empresarios y abogados que trabajan en la industria tecnológica, el Papa reflexionó sobre el impacto social y cultural de la inteligencia artificial.

Los beneficios de la inteligencia artificial y el aprendizaje automatizado para la humanidad solo se realizarán si los desarrolladores actúan de una “manera ética y responsable” que respete la dignidad intrínseca de cada persona, dijo el Papa.

Pero expresó su preocupación de que falta ese respeto cuando, por ejemplo, se usa software artificialmente inteligente para producir sentencias legales mediante el análisis de los antecedentes penales de un individuo y los datos generalizados.

Un robot equipado con inteligencia artificial se ve en el AI Xperience Center en Bruselas el 19 de febrero de 2020. (Foto OSV News/Yves Herman, Reuters)

“El comportamiento pasado de un individuo no debe usarse para negarle la oportunidad de cambiar, crecer y contribuir a la sociedad”, dijo. “No podemos permitir que los algoritmos limiten o condicionen el respeto a la dignidad humana, ni que excluyan la compasión, la misericordia, el perdón y, sobre todo, la apertura a la esperanza del cambio personal”.

Los expertos en tecnología temen que los datos utilizados para construir algoritmos en software legal artificialmente inteligente puedan amplificar los sesgos preexistentes en los sistemas de justicia, oprimiendo aún más a los grupos ya marginados.

“Esos datos pueden estar contaminados por prejuicios y preconcepciones sociales”, dijo el Papa. “El valor fundamental de una persona no se puede medir por un conjunto de datos”.

“Se corre el riesgo de concebir la ventaja económica de unos pocos como ganada o merecida, mientras que la pobreza de muchos es vista, en cierto modo, como su culpa”, dijo.

El Papa Francisco invitó a los líderes de la industria a considerar cómo sus innovaciones pueden crear una sociedad más igualitaria e inclusiva. En la reunión de marzo, el Papa agradeció a los líderes tecnológicos por participar en debates sobre el uso responsable de la tecnología que están “abiertos a los valores religiosos”, y dijo que el diálogo entre creyentes religiosos y no creyentes sobre ciencia y ética “es un camino hacia la consolidación de la paz y desarrollo humano integral”.

El Papa envía medicinas a las víctimas del terremoto de Turquía

Por Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — El Papa Francisco envió productos farmacéuticos a las víctimas del terremoto en Turquía, donde dos terremotos mortales en febrero mataron al menos a 50,000 personas y dejaron más de 200,000 edificios gravemente dañados o arrasados.

El cardenal Konrad Krajewski, el limosnero papal, y la Embajada de Turquía ante la Santa Sede coordinaron la última ronda de ayuda del Papa, dijo el Dicasterio para el Servicio de la Caridad en un comunicado el 28 de marzo.

Unas 10,000 unidades de medicamentos sin especificar debían llegar por vía aérea a Turquía antes del 28 de marzo, indicó.

Inmediatamente después del terremoto, que desplazó a casi 2 millones de personas en Turquía, el Dicasterio para el Servicio de la Caridad envió alimentos enlatados, pañales y otros suministros que se necesitaban con urgencia, dijo.

También envió unas 10,000 camisetas térmicas a mediados de febrero para distribuirlas entre Turquía y Siria, también afectada por los sismos. A finales de febrero se enviaron tres paletas de medicinas, añadió.

Dos terremotos de magnitud 7.8 y 7.5 devastaron la región el 6 de febrero, matando a más de 55,000 personas.

Mustafa Avci, un sobreviviente del terremoto que estuvo atrapado bajo los escombros durante más de 10 días, conoce a su hija, Almile, por primera vez y se reúne con su esposa, Bilge, en un hospital en Mersin, Turquía, el 17 de febrero de 2023. Almile nació el día del terremoto. (Foto OSV News/Clodagh Kilcoyne, Reuters)

El Papa dice en un telegrama que el tiroteo de Nashville fue un ‘acto de violencia sin sentido’

Por Carol Glatz

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — El papa Francisco calificó el mortal tiroteo en una escuela de Nashville como un “acto de violencia sin sentido” y rezó para que las familias en duelo se mantengan firmes en su fe y “saquen el bien de un mal indecible”.

En un telegrama enviado al obispo Joseph M. Spalding de Nashville y firmado por el cardenal Pietro Parolin, secretario de Estado del Vaticano, el Papa dijo que estaba “profundamente entristecido al enterarse del reciente tiroteo en The Covenant School”.

“El Papa Francisco le pide que transmita su más sentido pésame y la certeza de sus oraciones a todos los afectados por este acto de violencia sin sentido”, dijo el telegrama, difundido por el Vaticano el 29 de marzo.

“Se une a toda la comunidad en el duelo por los niños y adultos fallecidos y los encomienda al abrazo amoroso del Señor Jesús”, dijo.

“Asimismo, invoca el consuelo y la fuerza del Espíritu Santo sobre las familias en duelo y reza para que sean confirmadas en su fe en el poder del Señor resucitado para curar todo daño y sacar el bien de males indecibles”, continuó.

Seis personas fueron asesinadas, entre ellas tres niños de 9 años, en la escuela cristiana privada a media mañana del 27 de marzo. El tirador, que iba armado con dos fusiles de asalto, fue abatido por las fuerzas del orden en el lugar de los hechos.

Los carteles colocados por los niños de la Academia Cristiana St. Paul se exhiben a lo largo de la calle en Nashville, Tennessee, el 28 de marzo de 2023, en recuerdo de las víctimas de un tiroteo mortal en la Escuela Covenant. Tres adultos y tres niños, todos de 9 años, recibieron disparos fatales el 27 de marzo. (Foto OSV News/Austin Anthony, Reuters)

El Papa Francisco reza por los migrantes muertos en un ‘trágico’ incendio cerca de la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos

Por Justin McLellan

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — El Papa Francisco rezó por las víctimas de un “trágico” incendio que mató al menos a 38 personas e hirió a otras 29 en un centro de procesamiento de migrantes en Ciudad Juárez, México, el 27 de marzo.

Durante su saludo a los fieles de habla hispana en su audiencia general del 29 de marzo en la Plaza de San Pedro, el papa dedicó una oración silenciosa a las víctimas y sus familias.

“Recemos por los migrantes que fallecieron ayer en un trágico incendio en Ciudad Juárez, México, para que el Señor los reciba en su Reino y dé consuelo a sus familias”, dijo antes de inclinar la cabeza en silencio.

Una mujer entre la multitud en la Plaza de San Pedro se puso en pie y ondeó una bandera mexicana.

Según autoridades mexicanas, el incendio se produjo cuando los migrantes prendieron fuego a unos colchones tras enterarse de que iban a ser deportados.

El centro de procesamiento de migrantes de Ciudad Juárez se encuentra frente a El Paso (Texas), en la frontera de Estados Unidos con México. Entre los muertos y las decenas de heridos había personas procedentes de Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, El Salvador, Colombia y Ecuador que pretendían entrar a Estados Unidos.

Una migrante venezolana llora afuera de una ambulancia por su esposo herido mientras las autoridades mexicanas y los bomberos sacan a los migrantes heridos, en su mayoría venezolanos, del interior del edificio del Instituto Nacional de Migración durante un incendio, en Ciudad Juárez, México, el 27 de marzo de 2023. Al menos 39 personas en el centro de detención de inmigrantes en la frontera de EE. UU. murió en el incendio que se desató en la instalación durante la noche, según un comunicado emitido por el centro. (Foto OSV News/José Luis González, Reuters)

To be an apostle is to serve, not move up church’s hierarchy, pope says

By Justin McLellan
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Being an apostle does not mean climbing up the church’s hierarchy to look down on others but humbling oneself in a spirit of service, Pope Francis said.

During his general audience in St. Peter’s Square March 15, the pope explained that apostleship as understood by the Second Vatican Council produces an equality – rooted in service – among laypeople, consecrated religious, priests and bishops.

“Who has more dignity in the church? The bishop? The priest? No, we are all Christians at the service of others,” he said. “We are all the same, and when one part (of the church) thinks it is more important than the others and turns its nose up (at them), they are mistaken.”

Vatican II, the pope said, did not focus on the laity’s relationship with the church’s hierarchy as a “strategic” move to adapt to the times, but as “something more that transcends the events of that time and retains its value for us today.”

The Second Vatican Council’s Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity states that collaboration between the hierarchy and the laity is essential for the church to fully live out its mission.

Viewing Christian life as a chain of authority “where the person on top commands the rest because they were able to climb up (the ladder)” is “pure paganism,” said the pope.

Reflecting on the passage from St. Luke’s Gospel in which Jesus sends out 72 apostles ahead of him two-by-two, Pope Francis said that service is the vocation Jesus gives to all, including “to those that seem to be in more important positions.”

“Listening, humbling yourself, being at the service of others: this is serving, this is being Christian, this is being an apostle,” he said.

The pope encouraged Christians to pray for members of the church’s hierarchy who appear conceited since “they have not understood the vocation of God.”

Pope Francis also asked that all members of the church reflect on their relationships and consider how that impacts their capacity for evangelization.

Pope Francis addresses the crowd in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican during his general audience March 15, 2023. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

“Are we aware that with our words we can harm people’s dignity, thus ruining relationships?” he asked. “As we seek to dialogue with the world, do we also know how to dialogue among ourselves with believers? Is our speech transparent, sincere and positive, or is it opaque, ambiguous and negative?”

“Let us not be afraid to ask ourselves these questions,” the pope said, because examining the responses can help lead Christians toward a more apostolic church.

In his greetings to the faithful, Pope Francis also asked that religious sites in Ukraine be respected in the midst of the war. He expressed his closeness to the Ukrainian Orthodox religious community at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra monastery complex after the Ukrainian government said it would not renew a lease for the monks who belong to the Orthodox community related to the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church declared its independence from Moscow May 27, 2022, yet members of its senior clergy have since been accused of openly collaborating with the Russian army in Ukraine.

Everyone must take part in politics for the common good, pope says

By Carol Glatz
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Everyone must engage in politics, which is simply what it means to take part constructively in the life of a nation or society, Pope Francis said in a new book of interviews.
Even the Gospel has “a political dimension” in that it seeks to convert “the social, including religious, mindset of the people,” he said, according to a series of excerpts published by Vatican News and other outlets Feb. 26.

Marking the 10th anniversary of the pope’s election, journalists Sergio Rubin and Francesca Ambrogetti will release a book-length compilation of a decade of interviews with the pope in Spanish March 1.
Titled “El Pastor” (“The Shepherd”), the book covers the “challenges, reasons and reflections” of Pope Francis over the course of his pontificate. Rubin and Ambrogetti had previously compiled two years of interviews with then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires for their 2010 book “The Jesuit,” which became a bestseller after the cardinal was elected pontiff, and retitled “Pope Francis. Conversations with Jorge Bergoglio: His Life in His Own Words.”

In “The Shepherd,” the authors pick up where they left off to cover his papacy and the path he has followed.

Journalists Sergio Rubin and Francesca Ambrogetti released a book-length compilation of interviews with Pope Francis March 1, 2023. Titled, “El Pastor” (The Shepherd), the book, whose cover is shown in this screengrab, covers the “challenges, reasons and reflections” of Pope Francis over the course of his pontificate. (CNS photo/Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Argentina)

He said his plan has always been “to carry out what the cardinals expressed in the general congregations on the eve of the conclave,” which was to “revitalize the proclamation of the Gospel, reduce centralization in the Vatican,” eradicate the abuse of minors and fight economic corruption.

When asked what he would say to those who accuse him of “doing politics,” the pope said, “Yes, I am doing politics. Because everybody has to do politics. Christian people have to do politics. When we read what Jesus said we see that he was doing politics.”

The pope then explained what he meant by “politics,” saying it is “a way of life for the ‘polis,’ for the city.”
“What I do not do, nor should the church do, is party (or partisan) politics. But the Gospel has a political dimension, which is to transform the social, including religious, mindset of the people,” he said.

Speaking about the increasing polarization in the world, the pope said, “we are not water and oil, we are brothers and sisters.”

Humanity must rise above this “category of water and oil and move toward fraternity,” which is precisely what people have a hard time seeing when there is a conflict, that their vocation is fraternity, he said.

“When we ignore this, divisions begin and it’s like that everywhere,” he said.

When it comes to economic activity, Pope Francis said he does not “condemn” capitalism or the market economy, but that there needs to be what St. John Paul II advocated for, that is, a new “social economy of the market,” which would balance competition and social progress.

Today, the world of finance prevails, he said, and “where we can all agree is that the concentration of wealth and inequalities have increased and many people die of hunger.” If he focuses so much on the poor and those in need, “that’s because that is what Jesus did and what the Gospel says.”

Guadalupe is a message of communion amid
mixed cultures, pope says

By Justin McLellan
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Our Lady of Guadalupe is a message of “mestizaje,” or a fusion of cultures that leads to an encounter between humanity and God, Pope Francis said.

In a message to Archbishop Francisco Cerro Chaves of Toledo, Spain, Pope Francis reflected on the figure of Guadalupe to mark the occasion of the shrines of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico and in Spain becoming “sister shrines.”

“Mary, our mother, is always a bond of communion for her people,” and her invitation to prayer and communion “has been expressed in many places in the world with the invitation to build a temple that would be a house with doors always open to all,” the pope said in his message, which was published Feb. 13.

Two of the most famous temples in Hispanic culture built at Mary’s request are the Guadalupe shrines in Spain and Mexico which are considered “sister shrines” following a ceremony in Guadalupe, Spain, Feb. 13 in which Archbishop Cerro and Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes, archbishop of Mexico City, Mexico, both participated.

Pope Francis passes a banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe as he leaves after presiding at Mass marking the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Dec. 12, 2022. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

The royal monastery of St. Mary of Guadalupe in Spain was constructed in the 14th century on the site where tradition holds that Mary appeared to a farmer who discovered a dark-skinned statue of Mary. Many Spanish conquistadors who traveled to the New World came from the area around Guadalupe and had a strong devotion to the Marian figure.
The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City houses St. Juan Diego’s tilma, the mantle that bears the miraculous image of Mary who appeared to the Indigenous saint and spoke to him in Nahuatl, an Aztec language. An estimated 12 million people visited the basilica each year before the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, making it Catholicism’s most popular Marian shrine.

In his message to Archbishop Cerro, Pope Francis said the origin of the word “Guadalupe” is not entirely known, and its roots have been traced to Arabic, Latin or Nahuatl. He noted that while this could be interpreted as a conflict, it can also “be read as a sign from the Holy Spirit who makes his message of love heard in every language.”

The pope then traced how the different linguistic interpretations of “Guadalupe” combine to produce new meanings: in Arabic it means “hidden river,” which refers to grace; its Latin origins could mean “river of wolves,” referring to a “haven of peace for those troubled by their own sins” and violence; and the Nahuatl roots would mean “the one who conquers the serpent.”

The Gospel, while remaining the same, is “enriched in meaning” in every historical moment and by every culture it encounters, the pope said.

Marriage is a gift from God that benefits everyone, pope says

By Carol Glatz
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Marriage is not a ceremony, a social event, a mere formality or an abstract ideal, Pope Francis said.

Marriage, according to Christian revelation, is a gift from God that joins a man and woman together so that “the two shall become one flesh,” and “what God has joined together, no human being must separate,” the pope said, quoting the Gospel of Matthew.

Marriage is also “an extraordinary good, a good of extraordinary value for everyone: for the spouses themselves, for their children, for all families with whom they form relationships, for the entire church, for all of humanity,” the pope told members of the Roman Rota, a Vatican-based tribunal that deals mainly with marriage cases and requests for marriage annulments.

“Every true marriage, even a non-sacramental one, is a gift of God to the spouses,” the pope told the tribunal members Jan. 27. “Matrimony is always a gift! Conjugal fidelity rests on divine fidelity; conjugal fruitfulness is based on divine fruitfulness. Man and woman are called to accept this gift and freely correspond to it with the reciprocal gift of self.”

Pope Francis talks to a group of sisters attending an audience with members of the Roman Rota, a Vatican tribunal, at the end of an audience at the Vatican Jan. 27, 2023. The Vatican court deals mainly with appeals in marriage annulment cases. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

As the members inaugurated the tribunal’s judicial year, Pope Francis said he wanted to focus his talk on marriage “because there is a great need in the church and in the world to rediscover the meaning and value of the conjugal union between a man and a woman on which the family is based.”

St. John Paul II described the celebration of the sacrament of matrimony as offering a “new heart” so that “the couples are not only able to overcome ‘hardness of heart,’ but also and above all they are able to share the full and definitive love of Christ, the new and eternal covenant made flesh,” the pope said, quoting from the 1981 document, “Familiaris Consortio.”

“Marriage according to Christian revelation is not a ceremony or a social event, no,” Pope Francis said. “It is neither a formality nor an abstract ideal: it is a reality with its own precise consistency, not a form of mere emotional satisfaction that can be constructed in any way or modified at will.”

At the same time, the pope said, “marriage should not be idealized, as if it existed only where there are no problems.”

God’s plan “is always fulfilled imperfectly” in human hands, he said, and yet the Lord is present in the family “with all their daily troubles and struggles, joys and hopes.”

Life as a family makes it “difficult to pretend and lie; we cannot hide behind a mask,” he said. “If that authenticity is inspired by love, then the Lord reigns there, with his joy and his peace.”

For married couples in crisis, “the church, both pastors and other faithful, accompanies them with love and hope, seeking to support them,” he said. “A fundamental resource for facing and overcoming crises is to renew awareness of the gift received in the sacrament of marriage, an irrevocable gift, a source of grace on which we can always count.”

Pope Francis said there is a need “to rediscover the permanent reality of marriage as a bond,” especially since the “bond” is often thought of as an “imposition, a burden, a ‘tether’ in opposition to the authenticity and freedom of love.”

“If, on the other hand, the bond is understood precisely as a bond of love, then it reveals itself as the core of marriage, as a divine gift that is the source of true freedom and that safeguards married life,” he said.

The church can assist engaged and married couples to deepen their love and overcome difficulties not just by helping them accept its doctrinal teachings and its valuable spiritual resources, he said. The church can also help by offering “practical programs, sound advice, strategies based on experience and psychological guidance.”