By Staff Reports
JACKSON – Monica Walton didn’t take a lengthy vacation after writing her successful first book, Advent Reflections For This Day, which was published in late 2023 and reached readers in cities as far away as Chicago as well as throughout the southeastern region of the country.
She went right to work on a Lenten devotional, which has arrived in time for the 2025 season. Like her first book, Lean Into Lent (A New Approach to Old Traditions), will delight readers who, despite the best of intentions, tend to fall behind during a weeks-long daily study.
“Lean Into Lent is a unique, weekly devotional that fits into the busyness of life and delivers a more authentic, life-changing season, guiding you closer to Jesus each week,” Walton said. “The focus on the weekly Sunday gospels and accompanying modern day parables enables readers to relate the ancient text of scripture to our lives in this millennium.”

A parishioner for over three decades at St. Paul Church in Brandon, Walton is an accomplished freelance writer whose work has been published in The Word Among Us, Mississippi Catholic and The Clarion Ledger. Her work can also be enjoyed on her blog,
She is again working with Joe Lee, Editor-in-Chief of Dogwood Press and an active parishioner at St. Francis of Assisi in Madison. Both of her books are published by Sunrise Press, the faith-based division of Lee’s publishing house.
“Monica is a good friend, an especially hard worker, and a devout Catholic,” Lee said. “It was an easy call to make when it came to publishing the book. There’s just as much spiritual nourishment in her weekly approach to the Lenten season as you will find in any daily study, and the modern-day parables are especially well done.”
There was an additional hook that Lee, as publisher, couldn’t pass up.
“Readings for Liturgical Years A, B and C are included,” he said. “Meaning Lean Into Lent will be relevant every year. It’s a beautiful little book and will be a tremendous study guide to get the most out of the Lenten season. It’s ideal for small church groups, too.”
“This book is an invitation to lean into the Lord Jesus for 40 days so that under His loving gaze, we can be more like His disciples,” said Bishop Joseph Kopacz. “Individuals, families, and parish prayer and study groups can benefit from its weekly treasurers … and a renewed commitment to prayer, fasting and almsgiving.”
(Signed copies of Lean Into Lent are available at Lemuria Books of Jackson and through the publisher’s website,